Back Pain Relief – muscles or joints?

Suffering with back pain and trying to find back pain relief is not fun. In fact for most the information overload you get from reading everything on the intenet makes life even more confusing and you still end up living in pain.

Surely there must be a simple solution.

All pain is created by three main factors, certain muscles will tighten and muscle tightness causes pain. You also have muscle weakness that stops your spine from functioning well, this leads into other muscles working too hard, leading to pain once more. Joints if they fail to move freely will also create these muscle imbalances and pain develops.

Temporary relief occurs when you fail to remove the cause, pain remains or returns again shortly. The best approach is to remove the cause which guarantees that back relief will occur now and you’ll get long lasting relief also.

The problem with most back pain relief is that you are told that all your problems comes from only one of these sources. That it is all muscle tension, or you need to exercise or that joints are the only cause.

This is why the back pain statistics are so poor and that back relief is a pain to achieve. No matter where your pain is, it is a multi-factorial issue and if you only address one aspect you will not get long term relief.

Should you relax muscle tension or should you exercise to build strength in your muscles? What about joint movement, can you fix this yourself or should you seek help? When you try to relieve back pain these are just some of the many common questions you ask and want answers to.

Confusion and information overload is common and it stops most from taking action to remove their pain. You must first know what to do and where to start so you can proceed to remove your pain, for most you give up because it is too hard.

When you remove all the causes and follow a simple plan, back pain relief is easy. The first area to target is reducing the muscle tightness, which you can stretch to acheive this. However there are certain stretching techniques that will relax the muscle and at the same time build strength in that muscle too.

As part of the overall approach, joint technqiues should be used. You can in fact get your joints moving freely with techniques that are both fast acting and painless to use.

Many of you believe that back releif is hard to achieve when in fact you can remove pain easily yourself at home, as long as you remove both the symptoms and the cause. You will only get short term relief unless you remove muscle tension, muscle tightness and poor joint movement.

Learn more about back pain relief. Stop by the Back Pain Advisor where you can find out all about how to relieve back pain and live without pain.

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