A Tip For Getting Your Children To Eat Their Veggies

Anyone that has kids knows how tough it can be to get them to eat a good balance of fruit and vegetables. Kids can be determined and can wear parents down, leaving them little option except to resort to vitamin pills for their kids in an attempt to make up for the lack in their diets. But is that the only way? Surely there has to be something aside from threats of no dessert that can make your kids eat their vegetables.

The single advantage that you possess in the area of veggies is that they are brightly colored. Just think about bell peppers for a moment, which come in bright red, orange, yellow and green. This gives them great natural appeal, particularly to small children who love playing with colors.

Children respond very well to visible stimuli and will often eat veggies that are brighter and more fun looking than veggies that are bland. There are a few ways that you can use this to your advantage. One is to turn it into a game. Ask your child the evening before if they would like you to make something with a bright color the next night. Ask them to pick the color.

From there, all you have to do is to get a vegetable that matches their color request, which shouldn’t be too terribly difficult, since kids often only know basic colors. Tell them that you found the brightest thing you could find in the store of that color for them. This should make them excited to gobble it up.

Another thing that can be done with colors is to get veggies which are the same or similar colors to their favorite toys. At the dinner table, tell them the veggie is their toy’s favorite food and the toy eats it all the time and that is where it’s color comes from. Hopefully, with a couple of tricks like these, you will have your children eating veggies in no time. Best of luck!

Eating a good range of veggies can be tough. That is the reason why lots of folk prefer a green powder formula. Check out Vitaforce or this Green Vibrance review.

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