A Few Effective Suggestions About Toenail Falling Off Treatment

Many people have broken a nail on their hand. However, not many have lost a toenail. Generally, this falling off occurs as a result of one of two things: a fungal infection or an injury. Luckily, there is toenail falling off treatment available to those who need it.

The first way your toenail may fall off is from a fungus. This can be picked up by walking barefoot in public places such as showers, pools, and bathrooms. The first treatment plan is to wear shoes in these locations. If you do not, the fungus can quickly spread to your other toes.

With a fungal infection, your best bet is to see a podiatrist immediately. He or she will give you a cream to rub on your toes a few times a day as well as a medication to take orally. In addition, he or she may drill a hole into the top your nail to drain fluids and take off the pressure.

Another reason that toenails may fall off is because your shoes are too tight in the upper area. The treatment is to find shoes that give your feet more room so you are not constantly rubbing against the top. Also, keep your nails cut short and straight to prevent irritation. This is definitely an issue for active athletes, especially runners and soccer players.

If you followed the above treatments, but still find yourself in pain, soak or ice your feet. A soak in lukewarm water will increase blood flow, relax the area, and allow healing to take place. An icing will constrict the blood vessels and numb your pain. The best suggestion is to alternate between warm and cold soaks.

There are a few other treatments you can look into. The first is tea tree oil. This can help heal your nail if you rub it on a few times a day. Similarly, is apple cider vinegar. Finally, an antiseptic can be used to ensure that an infection does not spread or begin to happen.

The best toenail falling off treatment is to leave it alone. This will allow it to grow without contracting any sort of infection. If you have seen the doctor and followed some of the other suggestions, than you should have a new nail within five or six months.

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