A Bit Of General Info Regarding The Registered Nurse Or RN

An RN, also called a registered nurse, is a type of nurse who has finished a nursing program successfully and passed the licensing exams in their state. Primarily, the work in senior living facilities, schools, hospitals, and clinics and have duties that include caring for injured people, promoting health education, and assisting physicians.

Practically the entire field of nursing can be traced back to the ideals of one 19th century woman named Florence Nightingale. She was born into an upper class British family and began working in Army hospitals during the Crimean War. Her intense passion for improving the environment and condition of war torn medical clinics eventually spread over to America, who adopted her methods during their Civil War.

In the late thirties, legislation passed that required nursing programs across the country to be organized and uniform. Since then, the schools that license nurses have dramatically changed and improved. Today, RNs must successfully complete years of training and are vital parts of the medical industry.

The large array of skills and dedication of a nurse is required in a variety of different kinds of places like hospitals, public schools, elderly living facilities, mental health clinics, and even private homes. A lot of nurses also work on-call just like physicians, which means that they have to keep a pager or mobile phone on them so that their place of work can notify them quickly and easily.

The largest difference between RNs and normal nurses, also called LP nurses is the sheer amount of training each goes through. Registered nurses must complete a lot more education and exams but afterwards are qualified for many more positions in the area of their choosing.

In the United States, RNs are the biggest group of health care providers and the desire for them is still extremely high. Ever since the early two thousands America has had a drastic registered nurse shortage and registered nurses are lucky enough to have a comfortable excess of job security.

Want to become a RN? Visit our website for tips on how to find a great nursing job online at https://www.medicalcareerinfo.com/registered_nurse.htm now.

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