Which Wheelchair Is Right For You?

Getting prescriptions for medications from doctors is something most people are comfortable and familiar with, but the same cannot be said for wheelchairs and crutches. When it comes to selecting the right wheelchair for your needs, there are many types to choose from, all made for different people and different lifestyles.

Depending on what you do on a daily basis, you may need a chair with a pressure-relieving cushion, brake extensions, or other special options in order to make it effective. Your chair is supposed to help you move around as freely as possible, so it is important that you choose the right chair for your needs.

Unlike prescriptions for medications, which are very specific, a doctor’s prescription for a wheelchair often reads “a wheelchair”. The reason for this is because most general practitioners are not experts in physical medicine, and they cannot suggest a specific type of equipment.

Your best course of action is to discuss your needs and lifestyle with a physiotherapist or occupational therapist who will be able to give you more specific suggestions.

Your doctor might still have to write a prescription which is somewhat specific for reasons of insurance. If your case requires a lot of time spent in the chair, the equipment you need is probably going to be quite expensive. Some insurance companies require a doctor’s note complete with all recommendations, so you might have to ask your doctor to write a specific prescription after you have discussed your needs and gotten suggestions from a therapist.

Although evaluations are not yet required by all insurers, most rehabilitation personnel consider them an absolute requirement – people always test-drive a car before buying it, and in the same way you should get to test-drive your wheelchair and have a professional opinion to ensure that it will do what you need it to.

Asking for a professional evaluation of a chair you are thinking of buying is something you should require yourself, since your goal is to invest in a type of equipment that is actually going to help you.

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