How To Choose High Quality Working Dog Food Supplies

Working dog food supplies must provide the extra calories and energy that an athletic dog needs. A working dog needs two to five times more food than the average house pet. Dogs working in cold, wind, and rain will need extra fat calories to keep warm.[I:]

All dogs need proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals. Active dogs require extra calories from high quality protein and fat. By-products are not easily digested. Undigested by-products pass through the body unused. A hard working athletic dog may not be able to eat a large enough quantity to maintain adequate energy and health.

Protein is the building block of good health. Good sources include meat, fish, and eggs. Fat is an excellent source of concentrated energy. It adds flavor to the meal and puts the shine in the dog’s coat. Dogs don’t suffer hardening of the arteries. They burn fat rapidly, twice as fast as people do. We need higher percentages of carbohydrates for increased energy and stamina. Athletic dogs need more fat. Animal fat or vegetable oil will do.

Some experts classify canines as modified carnivores. They munch on soft grass shoots and eagerly eat the grain-filled stomach contents of prey animals. In moderate amounts, grains processed at high temperatures are an easy to digest carbohydrate providing a ready source of fiber and calories.

Vitamins regulate body processes. Vitamins C and E are often used as natural preservatives. Minerals are essential to teeth and bone health. Look for AAFCO Association of American Feed Control Officials certification to be sure a diet is nutritionally complete. Food for active dogs should exceed these requirements in protein and fat.

The 1st ingredient in any dog food should be meat. Meat meal is simply dried meat with fat and water content removed and is an acceptable source of protein. Meat by-products should be avoided. These can be empty calories from hooves and hair that can’t be properly digested.

To calculate the protein available for your dog subtract the water moisture content from 100 to determine the amount of dry matter. Divide the guaranteed analysis percentage by the dry matter percentage to determine the dietary protein provided. A working dogs diet should consist of 25-30% protein. High levels of protein are not harmful to dogs as excess protein will be excreted from the system.

[I:]Check your dogs weight by feeling along his rib cage and backbone. You should be able to feel the ribs and backbone, but not see them. Also, a healthy dog will have a shiny coat, bright eyes, and lots of energy. Treats should be no more than 10 to 15% of the diet.

Working dog food supplies can be purchased at veterinarian offices, and pet stores, retail or online. They range from commercial dry foods, to chemical free and organic choices. There are dry foods that have fat sprayed on them after extrusion to bring the fat content to 40%. There are commercially formulated raw foods. If providing home cooked food consult with a vet nutritionist to be sure you are providing all the nutrients in sufficient quantities. Canned portions are fresher with less grain and more water content but spoil quickly after opening. Be sure whatever diet you are feeding your dog will not spoil in the work environment.

When you have a dog, you need to get them dog food supplies. You also need working dog food. Let us help you out with this right now.

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