What Are The Benefits Of Antioxidant Supplements?

A lot of health experts are promoting fruits and vegetables to be included in a regular diet. There are a lot of beneficial reasons to the advice, but one of the reasons would be the antioxidants that the majority of fruit and veggies offer. But what are antioxidants? Why are they so important?

Oxidation process happens all over the place from slice of potato turning brown to rust on a metal pipe. It is a natural process that also exists in a body. Our body usually deals with oxidation well, but at times it results in cell damage. The damaged cells are referred to as free radicals. They are molecules with unpaired electron. Due to the fact it is unpaired, it will attempt to take an electron from other molecules. Whenever this action gets intense, it could cause various health problems which include cancer, heart problems and arthritis. Pollution, radiation and cigarette smoke also add to the creation of free radicals. Antioxidants are substances that counteract free radicals.

By supplying the missing electron to free radicals, antioxidants minimize cell damage. It is recommended to eat meals that include antioxidants on a daily basis to live in a healthy condition. Various fruit and veggies are a wonderful source of antioxidants thanks to vitamins E and C. The vitamins are known to be one of the best antioxidants. Veggies and fruits such as strawberry, kiwi, papaya, spinach, bell pepper, and broccoli are the ideal supply of vitamin E and C. However these vitamins are not the only source of antioxidants and in fact they are not the finest source.

More and more health professionals agree Epigallocatechin or also called EGCG could be a much stronger source of antioxidants than vitamins E and C. A large number of scientists agree that EGCG is 100 times more effective than vitamin C and 25 times more effective compared to vitamin E in avoiding free radicals. EGCG is a material included in green tea. Most of the best-known green tea health benefits include preventions against heart problems, cancer, gaining weight, bad cholesterol and depressive disorders.

There have been a large number of laboratory examinations about the impacts of green tea on cancer cells. The end results suggest the dosage of 300mg of EGCG each day to be the ideal amount. One cup has about 100mg of EGCG. A lot more scientific studies are in the process, however for right now 3 cups on a daily basis looks like a safe amount.

There are a number of ways to take in green tea. Traditional way is to brew and to drink the hot tea. This is great way particularly if taken with meals. Another common way is to add green tea powder to drinking water. Mixing lemon with EGCG has been recognized to improve the positive effects. More practical way is to take tea capsules. This is perfect for people disliking the bitter green tea taste.

Find out more about green tea antioxidants and what to look for in green tea pills at livinggreenteatablets.com.

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