Self Mastery to Change the World

Before getting into self mastery, we need to explore self awareness. It all begins with a change in perspective. Being able to step outside of one’s comfort zone and see oneself from another point of view requires courage and honesty. When we can have a clear view of our strengths, weaknesses, beliefs, values, emotions and core personality, then we have begun the first step towards self awareness. The next involves understanding other people and their perception of you, your attitude and your responses to them. Gaining accurate self awareness is not easy, but with commitment it can lead to self improvement.

Developing self awareness is essentially a research project. The task is to discover the qualities within, both good and bad, so that changes in thoughts and interpretations can provide a more positive life experience. If you have a solid awareness of your limitations in a particular area, you can do more to avoid negative situations. Part of being in tune with your strengths means making good choices for a career and/or relationships. Through this journey of self awareness, you will also learn that it is ok to stand up for yourself. It is ok to say no, or yes, or maybe. Decisions will become yours to make, instead of letting others to make them for you.

When you have discovered every nuance of your personality, it is time to set goals for change. Anyone can change if they are truly committed, even in the face of obstacles. For example, those who work towards quitting smoking often experience setbacks and give up entirely. A slip into an old behaviour pattern is going to happen. It is recommitting to the change that is the hard part. There will be days when your defences will be down and the goals you have set seem too hard. Don’t give up. By quitting the quest for self improvement you are deeming yourself as not worthy of betterment. Take a nap, read a favourite book, have a bath, do anything that helps recharge your batteries and resets your perspective. No goal is too large to accomplish.

When on a journey of developing self awareness, it can easily turn down the very short and dark path of self involvement. The difference between the two is simple. Self awareness begins with learning about oneself and continues on to self improvement and awareness of how we are perceived. Self involvement skips the improvement part. By being absorbed primarily in one’s own thoughts, activities, interests and values we become emotionally stunted. Eventually we lose the ability to relate to those around us, our sense of empathy disappears and the diverse perspective we had fades away. By closing our self into this kind of world, it becomes very easy to fall into depression.

After banishing self involvement, and mastering self awareness, it is time for another self-ism, self mastery. The most succinct way to define self mastery is by using an old adage: be the best you can be. Make the most out of your mental, physical and spiritual health so you can move on and use those strengths to make the world a better place. Acceptance is the first step. Recognise the people and situations around you, acknowledge their value and don’t waste time in frustration with their limitations. Appreciating those close to you without expecting perfection will mean a more relaxed relationship where everyone feels accepted.

Don’t be fooled, self awareness and mastery is hard. Changing and emotional reaction is difficult because it comes from a place so deep within us. From the moment of birth we are expressing ourselves with emotion. As we get older the process by which we communicate changes, but it is still based on an emotional behaviour or belief. For some, it may mean tackling a negative belief system programmed into them since childhood. Sure, it will be hard but living an unhappy existence is so much harder. Squash that critical voice in your head with loads of positive self-talk. Practice focusing on creating positive things in your daily life, even in the smallest ways. Look for ways to foster love and happiness in genuine ways.

Self mastery as a means to help others sure can sound like a incongruity. On the other hand, how can you have a healthy perspective if you haven’t first mastered yourself? How can you step into another person’s shoes, feel empathy and offer support if you don’t even know how you are perceived? Becoming self aware really means becoming aware of our place in the world. Being the best we can be within our world is where change will begin.

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