Cure Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety generally occurs approximately each day of our life but when severe nervousness isn’t handled it causes repeated persistent signs and symptoms. If left untreated it’ll develop into a more harmful form which is a panic disorder, where you will surely have recurring panic attacks. In this type of anxiety disorder, panic attacks are sometimes sudden as well as unprovoked. Listed here are a few methods to cure panic attacks.

Paper bag breathing

Before a person will have an anxiety disorder, there are many things they might do to cure panic attacks. In acute cases, the “paper bag re-breathing” is an effective means. This short-term treatment is extremely common most particularly when medical help isn’t obtainable right away.

The theory behind this measure is when you are having a panic attack, you tend to hyperventilate which means blood carbon dioxide levels in the body are being depleted as more blood oxygen are being heightened. This state is known as “respiratory alkalosis”. You will be able to reverse this effect through the use of paper bag because you were able to re breathe all the carbon dioxide back into the bloodstream you would have lost during hyperventilation.

Medical help

In worst cases, if respiratory alkalosis isn’t treated, an individual having a anxiety attack will give rise to tunnel vision, chest pain, numbness or tingling sensations, dizziness or sometimes, fainting. These are the symptoms you would probably have when having a more severe type of anxiety attack. One can cure anxiety attacks by seeking medical help immediately if a person is experiencing the symptoms above. Many confuse hyperventilation and panic attacks with heart attacks or strokes. You will be sure if it is anxiety attacks or hyperventilation when a doctor has confirmed it. If hyperventilation is related to a medical condition someone has, it can trigger more attacks.


Another way to cure panic attacks and anxiety disorders is to simply, relax. Many people don’t realize that the simple, easy key to a plain occurrence of anxiety is to tell the mind to relax and take it easy. One therapy in particular is cognitive therapy. In this therapy, this helps change the perception of a sufferer. It helps the client identify what might trigger the attacks, if it is chemical or psychological. That way, you will be able to prevent being apprehensive and this may cure panic attacks.

Want to find out more about curing panic attacks, then visit my site on how to choose the best anxiety cure

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