Women and Weight Loss – Key Things You Should be Aware of

The term “weight loss” is synonymous to women’s desire to shed the pounds. Perhaps the fact that men have faster metabolisms and generally have no problems with losing their excess fats explains why women and weight loss go together.

It’s a fact that the fairer sex have slower metabolic rates than men which makes losing the belly bulge such a challenge. Traditional feminine roles also play a huge role why it’s more difficult for females to shed off the pounds.

All women are trained at a very early age to learn how to cook and as they prepare the family meals, gaining more than 300 calories by nibbling bits and pieces is easy even before the main meal has started.

Given these physiological and societal factors, it becomes understandable why the female species is constantly challenged when it comes to losing the flab. If you want to make the embarrassing jiggle stop as you walk, a straight and sensible weight loss program is the only way to go.

Before going on a weight loss program, you must first do two things: 1) See your doctor and 2) evaluate your lifestyle. It’s imperative that you visit your physician to determine if there is any underlying medical cause for your weight gain. You should be particularly vigilant if the weight gain came suddenly even without any changes to your eating habits. Of course, if you are particularly certain that you are putting on the belly bulge simply because of too much food intake, you should still talk to your physician to establish a baseline of your cholesterol, blood sugar, triglyceride and weight levels. Later on in your fitness regimen, you can get tested again to see if there are any improvements.

Looking at how you live is crucial since this tells a lot about your tendency to turn to food when under stress. You may not know it but you might have the habit of emotional eating when your boyfriend breaks up with you, when you fight with friends or when you are pressed for time with deadlines on the job. These problems are not solved by turning to food. They can only be addressed if faced squarely.

Before undergoing a weight loss regimen, make sure that you provide solutions to these problems so you won’t derail your efforts by constantly turning to food at the first sign of trouble.

Make sure that diet and exercise go with your chosen program. Regular workouts must be made part of your weight loss regimen, whether you’re using commercial diets or meal replacement shakes or bars.

If you are on your own, don’t fail to incorporate at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular on most days of the week and resistance training workouts for 30 minutes to 50 minutes two to three times weekly on alternate days to further hasten the calorie-burn. Any diet plan you follow should always have good balance and nutrition. Foods that wipe out entire food groups and consist only of juice or cabbage soup should be stricken from your plan as these are unhealthy and dangerous.

Know that you are going to fail at certain times. When these times happen, analyze why you failed and strive to do better next time. You will eventually get to your desired weight if you stay true to your regimen.

Last but not least, be sure to read our complete TurboFire review. TurboFire is a good way to quickly lose weight, it works extremely well.

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