Healthy pregnancy

If you’re planning a pregnancy or are already pregnant, you know you need to take good care of your body for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. When pregnant, the demands on your body require better nutrition, some supplements and a regular, but appropriate exercise program for a healthy pregnancy. It’s just common sense…


Healthy Relationship

If you ask someone what makes a healthy relationship, they are going to give you a different answer than what you might give. If you go around and ask everyone you know, they are all going to say something different. This is because most people have their own issues within their own relationships, and they…

Healthy Breakfast

I keep hearing that you have to start the day with a healthy breakfast, but that doesn’t mean my body wants to acknowledge that this is true. I know I should eat when I wake up, but my stomach will rarely let me do it. My daughter eats each morning, and I won’t let her…



One of the keys I’ve learned to living well is living smart. This means taking care of your body, inside and out. We all groom ourselves to look pretty of handsome and we take care of our images so that they last throughout the years. The “growing old gracefully” spiel is bogus. The same applies…


Ask your doctor

Fifty years ago, health care was a much different experience than it is today. Medicine was certainly not so advanced, but doctors were much more accommodating of their patients. For example, if your kids were sick, the doctor would come to your house, at any time of the day or night to attend to them….

Healthy & safety at work

It doesn’t matter what kind of industry you are involved in, you always have to worry about health and safety at work. Though there are some occupations that are more dangerous than others, there is always something that can go wrong at any type of job. Even if you work in the mail room at…


Rubber bands

It may sound strange to say, but one of the most useful and versatile tools for working out is an exercise rubber band. Exercise rubber bands are good for everything from strength training exercises to rotator cuff injuries. They are used in rehabilitation because they can be tailored for almost every need. Nonetheless, they are…

Guide to meditation

The benefits of meditating on a regular basis are remarkable. Individuals have reported different physical and psychological improvements after adopting this practice. Some may not seem to be able to reap the benefits that have been reported. These individuals would benefit from reading a guide to meditation. The guide to meditation can help make the…


Great Body

Looking your best is no simple chore. It’s not something that can be addressed once and then you’re done. It’s a tedious routine that lasts as long as you do. Day in and day out you have to groom, feed and exercise your body meticulously. In all honesty, it can get rather old and redundant….