People that are obese

Any fool can see that our great nation is in trouble. Just to be clear, I’m not addressing wars or global politics. Think more along the lines of general health. You know, the kind you actually have control over. These days our country is flooded with obese people. Why is this? Does anyone even have to ask this question? Folks want instant gratification. They prefer to chow-down on fast food during their lunch break, and veg-out on the sofa for an evening in front of the “boob tube.” Sounds pretty cliche, I know. So, does it take place in your house? Take a look around at your family. What kind of shape are they in? I don’t know about you, but I refuse to conform to this lethargic state of convenience.

Toss your poor eating habits out the window. It’s high time you tackled a new and healthier diet plan. What is a diet anyway? Well, a diet only means that you eat. Whether it consists of fast food or carrots, it’s still a diet. However, not all diets are created equal. To avoid becoming one of the countless obese people, you need to adopt a nutritious, low-fat diet. This should consist of lean meats, plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole grain products such as wheat bread and brown rice. And be sure you don’t forget the water. This is a crucial aspect. Coffee and soft drinks are treats. They should in no way be consumed several times a day. If you want a cup of java in the morning, fine; but stop right there. You don’t need 4 or 7 cups throughout the day. Focus on water primarily. 100 percent juice beverages and soy milk are ideal as well. Keep that body hydrated. Portion is also an issue here in the states. Most obese people are totally confused about what a single portion is. Read the nutrition charts on product packaging. Too many people consume three servings or more at one time. Our bodies cannot deal with all those calories and fat; therefore they get stored and you get more obese. Eat smaller portions and more meals instead.

What about exercise? Well obviously a fitness regimen is imperative if you plan on staying physically fit and healthy. All obese people need to start with cardio. Work on burning calories and dropping pounds before you add weight training to the routine. This way you won’t be confused by the scale readings. Get started with your healthier way of life today.

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