Trying To Find Ways to Relieve Suffering Caused by Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

There are so many different carpal tunnel exercises out there today, you never know what ones work the best. The only way to figure out is to try each one yourself and then go from there. The wrist median nerve decompression is a little bit different. There have been many reports that it can give you instant relief for up to four hours.

Everyone will experience different results with this exercise, but give it a try and see what you think. If it works, of course, it can be one of the major things you do to give yourself relief and maybe even make the problem go away altogether. And of course, prevention is key, especially if you’re only beginning to experience symptoms. This is where decompressing your median wrist nerve may really help.


There are six different parts to this exercise, so first, make a fist and place your thumb over your fingers. Hold that position for at least five seconds. Once five seconds is up, open your hand up as widely as you can, extending your fingers as much as you can.

After another five seconds has elapsed, move your hand and flex it backwards. Keeping your wrist straight the whole time, see how far you can bend your hand back towards your forearm (see how close you get to touching your forearm with your fingers). The first few times you this, you’re probably going to see a lot of tension in your hand itself, so shorten the time at first and then increase it to five seconds once you feel more comfortable.

What you do next

These next three carpal tunnel exercises definitely feel good when you do them. Well, at first the stretching will be difficult, but it will get easier the more you do it. Make a large “L” with your thumb and index finger. Keep all the rest of your fingers adjacent to the index finger and stretch the thumb. Hold it out for as long as you can. Normally it’s only about 5 seconds, but I noticed if you do it longer, the next time around is a lot easier.

With your wrist straight and your fingers and thumb in the aforementioned position, move your hand to the right to stretch in that direction. You want to try to stretch your hand so that it’s at a 90-degree angle to your wrist. Note that you’re not going to be able to do this, but that’s the direction you want the exercise to go in. After five seconds, move your hand in the other direction, again shooting for 90 degrees.

What you do last

You never want to be in pain, but it’s okay to give yourself a little “pushing” help with your other hand when you’re doing these exercises to increase the stretch. If you’re turning your hand and your wrist is straight, you can try pulling your thumb back a little bit. It’ll give you some extra pressure and will also help with the effects of the exercise itself — although again, don’t overdo it. At the end of the exercises, your wrist should feel significantly better. If it doesn’t, you may want to consult with your doctor to get appropriate intervention.

No one wants to have to resort to surgery to treat carpal tunnel syndrome. Let Tom Nicholson show you carpal tunnel exercises that are simple to do and will help ease the pain and suffering associated with CTS.

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