The Bed Wedge and Its Various Benefits

In recent years, the use of a bed wedge pillow has been recommended by an increasing number of medical professionals. The reasons for needing one may vary by the individual, but the goal is always the same.

Everyone wants to get the best sleep possible at night, as this directly contributes to quality of life and health. If you’ve ever been limited in your ability to sleep due to physical pain, you might know how difficult this can be.

Thanks to the use of a bed wedge, many no longer face the difficulty sleeping that they used to. Coming in a wide variety of materials including foam, memory foam, rubber inflatable ones, and more, they can really be molded to suit the owner’s preferences. Here are a few reasons that someone may use a bed wedge for sleep.

One of the most widespread medical conditions among adults is acid reflux. This isn’t a very serious medical condition, but it becomes a bit more serious when it gets in the way of one’s ability to sleep.

In using a bed wedge to help with acid reflux, anyone sleeping in an inclined position is unlikely to experience the pain and discomfort they may usually feel because of their acid reflux.

The whole theory behind heartburn is that acids from your stomach travel back up your body and into your esophagus, making things extremely uncomfortable in your upper chest and throat area. This won’t be possible when you’re sleeping at a raised angle.

A bed wedge pillow is also great for people suffering from a hiatal hernia. As you know, the surface of a flat bed or a firm mattress can be extremely painful if you suffer from a condition like this one.

Sleeping in the upright position helps out greatly with this, easing or even eliminating all pain whatsoever. Try getting a pillow of this kind for your bed and you’ll likely sleep much easier at night.

Learn more about the foam bed wedge pillow and other pillows at this writer’s blog.

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