Did You Know That A Basic Sleep Problem Might In Certain Cases Be Fatal?

A short while ago I complained to my doctor that I was tired all of the time and didn’t have any energy. He asked me if I was sleeping okay. I told him yes but that my wife was complaining that I was a amazingly loud and consistant snorer. He highly recommended that I have a “sleep study” done. I went to a local hospital that had a sleep disorder center and set up an appointment to do a study. This involves getting wired up and sleeping overnight at the clinic. I won’t bore you with all the details but I learned that I had over 2 hundred apneas ( this is when a person’s body doesn’t breath) during the night.!

Two Smart Ways To Address Snoring Problems

Snoring – not too many individuals know the scientific reason behind the terrible noise that a sleeping person produces. While the sound caused by snoring can be quite alarming, it is not life threatening. However, a person who snores may have problems with sleep deprivation, irritability, lack of focus, drowsiness and decreased of libido. Other studies suggest that snoring may also cause a significant damage to the psycho-social life of a snorer.

Things to Consider About Kids and Adult Sleeping Bags

If you are searching for a sleeping bag you understand, searching for sleeping bags isn’t necessarily. Now I know that may appear strange since you begin the trek believing you are looking for substitute bedding while away on a trip but the selections can be daunting. As soon as you begin your pursuit however, you suddenly find yourself faced with a large number of choices you must process. Not only that but as you scour the display racks, you quickly observe the wide collection of sleeping bags available appear to be manufactured for varying situations.

Snoring Remedies: Can They Prevent Snoring for My Husband?

Have you ever been woken up by the loud terrible snores your husband or wife utters during the night? That should not be the case if the snoring is mild and negligible. On the other hand, severe snoring that recurs every night prevents others to enjoy a relaxing sleep. Various advertisements flood your inbox showcasing snoring remedies, but without clinical approval. Desperate, consumers try them out and become dissatisfied in the end.