5 Tips For Strengthening Your Skeletal System

Building strong bones is like building a house-a long and slow process. And having strong bones is critical if you are active or if you want to prevent one of the most common and debilitating injuries: fractures.

Now the main problem here, however, is that a lot of what you may be doing on a day to day basis could be decreasing the health of your bones. And weak and unhealthy bones will set you up for a sure fire injury.

Thus, here is how to get strong bones when trying to lose weight:

1. Apply some resistance: Bone is constantly being broken down and rebuilt. And one way to make sure there is more rebuilding than breaking down is to resistance train. Now it really doesn’t matter what you do, just make sure you do something.

2. Become super flexible: Doing so will help you fall with the agility of a leopard. And bear in mind that a lot of fractures are a direct result of inflexibility. So becoming more flexible is a great way to prevent bones from fracturing or breaking in the first place.

3. Increase proprioception: In other words, increase your balance abilities. Doing this will also prevent fractures and bone breaks. Again, by becoming more adept at balancing your body in space, your risk for falling and hurting yourself decreases a lot.

4. Have some bone vitamins: Calcium is the biggest player here. But you have to be careful because too many calcium supplements are loaded with lead. So just be conscious of this and get most of your supplementation needs from reputable sources.

5. Be wary of high protein intakes: Eating lots of protein causes excess calcium to be secreted from urine. Having said that, certain metabolic types do very well with high protein intakes. So if you absolutely have to go on a high protein diet to lose weight, supplement with lots of calcium.

Trying to lose weight while having weak bones is unnecessary and unhealthy. So make sure you follow this advice sooner rather than later. After all, later usually never comes!

Writer Katherine Crawford, a fitness expert and recent fat arms sufferer, instructs on her sleeveless in 7 review of different diets. Figure out how to get sexy arms by exploring her website with the sleeveless in 7 review of different programs now!

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