Why You Should Think Twice Before Taking Supplements

Most dietary supplements don’t work. Only a very select few are even worth looking into. Despite this, many people still turn to supplements to solve all their problems.

To make matters worse, there are many supplements that will actually make it harder for you to get in shape.

So here is why you shouldn’t take supplements to get in better shape:

1. There is a lack of regulation: Supplements are poorly regulated in the United States. In fact, almost anybody can bottle anything and begin selling it as a dietary supplement. Because of the loose regulations, anybody can do this.

2. Some are insanely expensive: More often than not you will better off saving your money and spending it on food. You see, if a supplement has a lot of hype and marketing surrounding it, companies will charge a premium for it.

3. Some can actually make your body worse off: Despite what all the companies may tell you, taking too much of any health supplement can quickly become very unhealthy. In fact, if you take too much vitamin B-6 you can end up with sensory nerve damage.

4. You don’t need extra nutrition above and beyond food: Although the quality food is not where we would like it to be, it’s not to the point where you can’t get enough nutrients from it. Thus, you do not need to take supplements to compensate for it.

5. Powders and pills digest faster: Getting your nutrition from powders and pills is not an optimal way to go. You see, these types of supplements will digest much faster than regular food. And faster digestion rates will always translate into more weight gain.

6. They can lead you to major disappointment: You see, if you believe the hype behind supplements. You can eventually become extremely disappointed once you figure out that they don’t live up to their expectations. So don’t buy into the false dreams here.

You are usually going to be far better off saving your money instead of buying supplements. You see, supplements do not live up to their hype!

Author Katherine Crawford, an exercise expert and former arm fat sufferer, teaches how to get toned arms very quickly. Unearth how to get sexy and sculpted arms by visiting her website with superb upper arm exercises for women now!

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