When am I Eligible for Breast Conservation Therapy?

Most patients having a localized form of breast cancer are eligible for breast conservation therapy as their option for breast cancer surgery in Dallas. Breast conservation therapy is not a new concept, and has been a mammary carcinoma treatment option for in excess of forty years. Women eligible for BCT are in good hands, as highly favorable results are being reported in many countries currently utilizing it. Breast conservation therapy is intended to offer two benefits; offering a high degree of cancer control, while also providing great cosmetic results. The efficacy and safety of breast conversation therapy have been widely studied, but less attention has been paid to the actual goal of those choosing this option, which includes quality of life and cosmetic concerns.

Patient Eligibility

In the 1990s, a study conducted by our National Cancer Institute began to encourage BCT for cancer patients suffering breast cancer from Stage 1 up to Stage 2. Most doctors did not pick up on this option right away. Many choose to go more aggressive with the treatment as shown by the figures on BCT. On a national level, only 1/3 of all women who qualify under this option actually have breast conservation therapy. It may be due to the fact that there is the mindset that with all the follow-up exams and diagnostic testing, they decided to go for a more radical treatment. Furthermore, the process of being eligible for BCT depends on so many factors. Aside from size and marginal dimensions, the tumors pathological characteristics also have to be taken into account.

What You Can Expect Your Breast To Look Like After BCT

Breast cancer surgeons in Dallas have a grading system for patients who have undergone breast conservation therapy. If the patient’s breasts hardly looks like it had gone under the knife and there are very subtle changes, then the patient is classified under the first grade. On the other hand, a patient under the classification of grades 2 to 4 might show graduated changes, depending on the grade, Some thickening of the skin, scarring, and even open sores can be expected. The good news however is that breast conservation patients often end up with just a grade 1 or grade 2 category.

Women with large breasts are more favored to fall under Grade 1 because of the size. However, at the same time these women are more vulnerable to skin break-out which is more superficial than permanent. Nonetheless, the prognosis for women with large breasts is very favorable, and doctors tend to initially prefer BCT.

As for implants after surgery to augment the breast, doctors will not recommend this if BCT has been done. The most serious problem that could arise is movement of the implant over time which can cause intense pain and chronic fixation. The chances of this happening in BCT patients is as high as 40%.


Breast conservation therapy is effective and safe for virtually any woman. The techniques and advances in this field have been astounding over the last ten years, yet two of every three women still opt for a mastectomy as their primary treatment option. However, improved physician and patient education on the topic could lead to an increased breast conservation therapy rate.

There are tons of physicians to consider when it comes to a breast cancer surgeon in Dallas. Each can give you answers to your many questions, as well as any concerns that you might have with breast cancer surgery in Dallas.

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