What is Sinusitis?: Natural Cures for Sinusitis

Located behind the bones of the face are hollow spaces filled with air. These hollow spaces are the sinuses and they act as a passage between the nasal cavity and the nostrils. So what is sinusitis? Sinusitis is an inflammation or swelling of the sinuses. Common symptoms include pain or pressure in the face, nasal obstruction or blockage, and a thick post-nasal drip. Those suffering from sinusitis may also experience headaches, a fever, or feel fatigued.

However, we’re not perfect and may catch it regardless, so let’s examine some common ways that we can treat the symptoms of Sinusitis. Decongestants such as pseudoephedrine and phenylpherine are good temporary remedies that help drain the sinuses. Prescribed inhalers, while not decongestants, assist in healing the sinus membranes. Over-the-counter nasal sprays like Dristan and Afrin are basically ‘spray’ versions of decongestants and can be used for a few days or so. Humidifiers or sprays that contain salt water in them will ‘melt’ the infected sinuses away (so to speak).

While there are antibiotics that can be used to battle sinusitis, such medications only go so far. Luckily, there are several chemical-free cures that can be used, such as steam. Humidity is one of the easiest ways to clear up the sinuses, either by standing in a hot shower a few times a day or by creating a steam tent: lean over a pot of hot, steaming water and drape a towel over your head, enclosing the steam as you inhale the vapors.

If the nose is not cleared then the sinus pressure felt more strongly in the forehead and often misdiagnosed as headache becomes unbearable and relief is the only thought on the mind of the sufferer. Traditionally, people with front forehead pressure from sinusitis were told to steam their sinuses by boiling water in a kettle and by using a towel wrapped around the head to inhale the steam. Because of the location of the sinus pressure, many sufferers use aspirin that is meant for headaches and really does nothing to unplug the sinus cavities.

We want quick relief to our headaches and stuffiness. We simply want to feel better fast. Some people may want to have sinus surgery thinking that this will get rid of the infection in one fast trip to the hospital operating room. You may find that sinus surgery helps but it does not mean you will never have sinus infections again. You may try antibiotics but the side-affects are not to your liking.

Staying in a clean environment is paramount. If the air outside your compound is not quality, ensure that you are indoors. Avoid smoking as well as contact with anyone who is smoking as this will increase attacks.
Sinuvil is a natural product which works to completely heal the sinus trouble without causing any side effects as it is a natural remedy that does not contain harmful antibiotics. It contains herbal extracts which helps to relieve the sinus pressure which aids in getting rid of painful headaches. It also works naturally to boost the immune system of a person thus empowering the bodys defense system. It also has flavoid formulas which aid to soothe the painful as well as the swollen tissues which cause the sinus trouble.

Do you want to find out more info on Sinusitis Pain – Sinusitis – Some Fast Facts, then check out our site and learn more about Sinusitis What Is It? Information On Sinusitis & Some Natural Remedies.

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