What If You Didnt Get Another Cold Sore Again?

If you you suffer from cold sore breakouts, you are all too aware of the very first signs that you are getting a cold sore. You may feel a little bump developing on your lip. It may itch a little or tingle. It develops into one or more liquid filled blisters very quickly. Then the blister bursts and the fluid oozes out, spreading cold sores around your mouth.

Is this the way it happens for you?

You know that when they come, they will go away in due course. But you also know that they will come again. And…..they are such an eyesore. They make a mess of your face.

More that 25% of Americans suffer with cold sore outbreaks. That equates to 80 million Americans.

The medical profession knows that cold sores are caused by a viral infection called the herpes simplex virus. The World Health Organization estimates that nearly 90% of earth’s population is infected with this virus today. It is a worldwide epidemic that has been around for hundreds of years.

When you get the virus, it stays in your body forever. Some people contract the virus, but it lays dormant. It never becomes active. In most cases though, the virus lays dormant for a while, but is activated by emotional upset, stress, illness, or over-exposure to the sun.

It is thought that most of us are infected in early childhood. As the virus is highly contageous, it is not hard to see how this epidemic is perpetuated. Adults love to pick up, hug and kiss cute little kids. Grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins and friends of the family do it all the time. When one of these adults is a carrier of the the herpes virus, the virus passes to the child from the saliva of the adult or from an open cold sore.

The virus can also be spread from adult to adult. Contact with a contagious open cold sore, will transmit the virus. Couples are advised to refrain from kissing and sexual activity, when one of the partners is experiencing a live outbreak of a cold sore or cold sores.

A cure for the herpes simplex virus does not exist. To cure it, would mean to remove it from the body. However even if a cure is found, the medical community thinks that you would be re-infected quickly because the virus is so prevalent.

It is unlikely that researchers will find a cure soon, that will keep you free of the virus permanently. But is a cure for the cold sore virus really what you want? Or do you really want to prevent future outbreaks of cold sores?

Prevention of cold sore outbreaks and curing the cause of cold sores are not the same thing. Today there are many medical conditions that are prevented, even though a cure for the cause of the condition has not been found.

The herpes simplex virus poses no health threat to you, beyond breakouts of cold sores. Therefore, I would imagine that you would pleased to find a way to prevent future cold sore breakouts……even if the virus remains in your body.

Therefore, doesnt it make sense to look for a solution that can prevent the virus from causing an eruption of cold sores on your face ever again?

There is a cold sore remedy that claims to have helped thousands of people to eliminate cold sores permanently. The author recommends that you check it out by going to https://bestcoldsoreremedy.org/a-cold-sore-remedy-that-ends-cold-sores-forever

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