What Are The Best Natural Erectile Dysfunction Treatments?

Although many consumers think about pharmaceuticals such as Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis when considering erectile dysfunction remedies, an enormous industry also exists that is founded on all-natural, herbal remedies for sexual dysfunction in men. Regardless of the marketing applied to the specific products that make up this category, every one of them is, for the most part, made from one of six different organic substances that is known to increase blood flow throughout the body.

Ashwagandha Root

Also known by its commercialized label Indian Ginseng, the Ashwagandha root has a lengthy track record in India as an libido stimulant and nutritional supplement. In addition to its known effectiveness in relieving male impotence, the root is equally recognized for the ability to remedy fatigue and anxiety. Despite the fact that researchers have identified a link between Ashwagandha use and semen quality, no conclusive findings have been reached that confirm its effectiveness in dealing with male sexual health issues.

Ginkgo biloba

Without doubt the most-broadly prescribed, natural erectile dysfunction remedy in Eastern medicine, extract from the leaves of the Ginkgo biloba tree was given to men suffering fromcirculatory problems in Asia for hundreds of years. Modern researchers have found that the extract does increase blood flow throughout the body, and enhance the system’s ability to fight the impact of kidney, cardiovascular, pulmonary, and central nervous conditions triggered by insufficient circulation. Its usefulness specifically as a libido remedy has not been proven, but research does indicate that it’s helpful to most patients.


The amino acid L-Arginine has become increasingly popular as a nutritional supplement in the western world recently where it’s marketed as a male sexual health remedy. The compound shows up naturally in meat, chicken, seafood, and dairy products and is known to increase blood flow through prompting the body to generate nitric oxide. Preliminary reports on L-Arginine’s role in the treatment of ED were inconclusive.


A substance created by biosynthesizing the amino acids lysine and methionine, Propionyl-L-Carnitine is primarily known for the function it has in accelerating the body’s burning up of essential fatty acids, yet studies have also revealed that it’s possibly valuable in dealing with male infertility and impotence. One study, specifically, was able to determine that Carnitine used in combination with Viagra was far more successful at relieving erectile dysfunction than was either substance separately.


Widely marketed as Yohimbe, this extract from the bark of an African tree was tremendously sought after as a natural erectile dysfunction remedy when it was initially introduced in the West. While scientists have been able to confirm that the extract elevates the flow of blood and sex drive, its side effects (among them drastic drops in blood pressure) have led the majority of physicians to recommend against its use as a nutritional supplement and remedy for male impotence.


Due to Zinc’s recognized function in healthy circulation, numerous men report they were successful in relieving their Erectile dysfunction symptoms by expanding their intake of the nutrient. While no assertions are made that it is able to totally eradicating the disorder, it’s widely acknowledged that taking Zinc capsules as a supplement does raise blood flow and could conversely ease mild cases of Ed.

Do Natural ED Treatments Really Work?

Considering the absence of definitive research data promoting the potency of the organic erectile dysfunction treatments discussed in this article, a natural query is “Do any of them actually work?” The response to that question would seem to be “yes, in certain cases”. With a great number of sufferers reporting beneficial results in managing their condition with these substances, they obviously can be beneficial for certain individuals. On the other hand, their effectiveness in treating severe episodes of erectile dysfunction is virtually unknown.

If you’re looking for more information on erectile dysfunction remedies and erectile dysfunction symptoms, stop by Darin Mendanor’s site and find answers to all of your ED questions.

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