Turn Into A Defensive Driver And Obtain Discounts On Auto Insurance

Are you thinking of another way to cut your auto insurance expenses? Apart from installing anti-theft devices and keeping your driving records clean, another way of cutting down cost on car insurance is by enrolling in a defensive driving course. In this post we will help you to find cheap insurance

Most insurance providers give their customers a 10% discount on their auto insurance if they take a defensive driving class.

Road rage makes up almost a third of street accidents. Because of this, insurance companies are willing to offer you a discount if you learn how to drive safe and protect yourself from those angry drivers.

Keys to Safe Driving It is best to have a great driving record if you want to save as much money as possible on insurance, so knowing how to be safe behind the wheel is important. Here are some know- how’s on defensive driving.

Safety First You need to go back to the basics right now. Put your safety above all else, make sure you lock the doors and put on your seatbelt. The main reason for this is so you aren’t thrown out of your car in case another car does hit you.

Keep your mind on the road Being distracted behind the wheel is another main reason for crashes. When you are driving, concentrate on nothing else but driving. Avoid answering your mobile phone or sending text messages as much as possible. Many people think they can just get a hands free driving device, and according the the law you can, but that isn’t going to decrease the amount of accidents because the driver will still be distracted.

Be alert and aware of your surroundings Keep in mind that you’re not the only person on the road. You don’t know how other people drive so it’s important that you are aware of your surroundings. You need to make sure you are not following someone too close. Try to follow the 2 to 4 second rule to avoid crashing into the car in front of you when it suddenly hits the brakes. Before switching lanes, make sure you check your mirrors and look over your shouler.

Be patient Like we said above, angry drivers usually get into more accidents. There are rules on the street for a reason, there really is no need to not follow the rules. If a drive cut you off and didn’t obey the rules, don’t get mad, just let it go. If you get mad you are just giving him power over you. You always have to be on the look out for yourself. You won’t be able to control another driver’s rage but you can control yours. Letting things go is importnat if you are going to save money on insurance.

Take a defensive driving course

Depending on where you live, most of the time, you’d be required to take defensive driving classes before you can get a license. These courses are very similar to the courses that you take if you get a ticket. The only difference is you will be saving money instead of knowing you have to pay off the ticket.

You can take a driving class in a couple of different ways. You can go to your state’s DMV and inquire for their class schedules or you can take these classes online. Once you finish the course, getting the discount is simple. All you have to do is send the certificate to your current insurance company and they will provide a discount for you.

Whether you are getting into this class to get rid of a driving ticket or because it’s one of the requirements to get a driver’s license, keep in mind that a defensive driving course would be very beneficial to you in the long run. Not only would you know the right way to drive and act whilst behind the wheel, but you’d also get a discount on your auto insurance. Hopefully by now you have realized the importance taking a course.

2st Century Auto Insurance and LV car insurance are a few businesses which offer discounts for being a safe car owner.

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