Tips To Get Rid of Hemorrhoids In A Natural Way

An internal hemorrhoid is a condition comprised of veins that become swollen and inflamed inside the anus. They are mainly caused by a poor diet and decreased fiber intake. Straining also causes them as well as obesity and pregnancy. Usually diarrhea and constipation are associated with them as well.

Over-the-counter treatment options for hemorrhoids include topical creams, suppositories, stool softeners and fiber. In mild cases, these treatments can be effective in providing temporary relief and allow the hemorrhoids to become less irritated. However, these methods to not address the root cause of hemorrhoids, and the problem is almost certain to reappear soon.

A natural remedy for hemorrhoids is the inclusion of more fiber in the diet. It both prevents and cures the problem of hemorrhoids. Types of food that are high in fiber include grain products, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. These can be food items such as whole grain breads, dried peas and beans, almonds, avocado, and berries.

When treatment is required, you should do the following to help minimize the pain and any possible infection of the hemorrhoids. Sit in a hot tub of water for 10 to 20 minutes, also known as a sitz bath. Keep the anal area clean, by using a mild soap. Only dab the area after having a bowel movement. Do not use harsh rubbing of the area. Keep the hemorrhoids and anal area dry. You may use a talcum powder and some tissue to help absorb the moisture.

There are many products on the market that utilize witch hazel. Hemorrhoids are the three varicose veins inside the anus that swell during bowel movements and the various creams and solutions made up of the herb witch hazel go by several names. The usage instructions will vary with each individual type of witch hazel hemorrhoids treatment.

Bleeding internal hemorrhoids can be removed with surgery, your doctor can help you decide if you need to have them taken out by cutting, or laser or even with a cauterizing procedure.
It may be that surgery will not be needed and one of the other treatments will serve just as well. There are chemical treatments avaliable that will shrink the bleeding internal hemorrhoid. There is also a treatment where a rubber band is placed on the base of the hemorrhoid that will cut off the blood supply and shrink the hemorrhoid.

Learn more about Hemorrhoids Surgery: The Answer To Your Long-Time Hemorrhoid Problems. Visit our site where you can learn all about Tips to Treat Hemorrhoids easily.

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