Three Basic Yoga Styles You Should Know

Almost all basic yoga styles are based on hatha yoga, yoga’s physical discipline which concentrates on developing control of the body through asanas or poses. While all yoga forms aim to balance the body, mind and spirit, they keep doing it in different ways. They might differ in how asanas are performed and where they concentrate the attention -on mastering and holding the posture, on strict alignment, on breathing, or on the flow of movement.

Here’s a short look at the basic yoga styles:


Hatha yoga is the most common of basic yoga styles. The word “hatha” derives from the Sanskrit terms “ha” meaning “sun” and “tha” which means “moon”. This yogic branch connects pairs of opposites referring to the positive (sun) and negative (moon) currents in the system. This certain style tries to gain balance between body and mind, as well as attempts to take away the more subtle spiritual elements of the mind through physical exercises or Asanas.
Here’s a short look at the basic yoga styles:


Bhakti is one of the primary branches of basic yoga, representing the path of self-transcending love or full devotion to God. Bhakti is rooted in the doctrine “Love is God and God is Love”. Bhakti is the Sanskrit term which means a cheerful, selfless and overwhelming love of God as the beloved Father, Mother, Child, Friend or whichever relationship or personal aspect of god that finds appeal in the devotee’s heart.


The teachings of Karma yoga were derived from ancient Hindu religious texts called the Bhagavad Gita. Karma is the idea that every action a person performs will cause another action to happen to them that reflects the nature of the first. Karma translates into action as yoga translates into union. The combination of these two words to form a yoga practice is interpreted as “becoming unified through actions’. Karma, however, is not just actions; it is also thoughts and choices.

There are an ever-growing number of basic yoga styles that you can apply, such as the japa, jnana, kundalini, laya, mudra, raja, tantric, and yantra. To learn more about these styles, take a visit at the yoga tutor website for step-by-step lessons, video demonstrations and quick guides.

Want to know more about the Basic Yoga? Then remember to visit The Yoga Tutor website to find out the best Basic Yoga for you.

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