This Article Has 3 Excellent Pile Remedies.

If you are one of the many people who suffer from hemorrhoids, you would certainly like to be able to get rid of this painful condition as quickly as possible. Hemorrhoids don’t typically last more than a few days before they clear up without treatment. Medical care may be needed in extreme cases. If you are afflicted with this problem you may want to try these treatments.

Increasing the amount of water you drink is a simple but very effective treatment for hemorrhoids. Softer and more regular bowel movements often result as the water flushes out your body. Often hemorrhoids are made worse by constipation, which is often caused by dehydration. Pure fruit and vegetable juices also help hydrate you, in addition to water. A juicer may be a wise investment.

In addition to hydrating you, fruit and vegetable juices also provide fiber which can prevent and cure hemorrhoids. However, water remains the most important substance to drink. Over the counter medications sold at the pharmacy are very effective hemorrhoid treatments. The treatment options available are medicinal and others are herbal or homeopathic. If Petroleum jelly is used regularly on the anal region there is a soothing effect. Try several medications before you settle on one that works best for you. The treatments available over the counter are usually inexpensive. Don’t expect the OTC medications to work instantly.

You should investigate on your own and decide; two more different topical applications are Witch Hazel and Saint John’s Wort oil. There are considerations for all of them; so please do your good research and proceed according to how you view your situation. All of them are pretty easy to find at a good natural health store, and you may find them just as good as a prescription.

You may not know about treating hemorrhoids with lasers, but the usual approach is to save that for the very last resort. This is usually reserved for severe cases that have not responded to other types of treatment. This treatment is fast – about quarter of an hour and you’re out the door, and it’s usually done in the doctors office. This is considered advanced, and it tends to be expensive; but your insurance should cover it. There’s no harm broaching the subject with your doctor, but there may be some reluctance until other approaches have been given a shot. Hemorrhoids can be treated in many different forms and not all of these forms will treat everyone that uses them. For instance, if your hemorrhoids occur because of something that you are doing in your life such as eating poorly, you must start eating right and take your medicines or home remedies. Basically, hemorrhoids are very simple to handle. The hemorrhoid treatments discussed above are ones that have proven to be effective for lots of people, so you may want to try one or more of them.

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