There Are Numerous Treatments For Extreme Facial Sweating

People suffering from excessive facial sweating experience severe discomfort and social embarrassment. In extreme cases it can cause serious emotional and psychological problems and even paranoia. It is estimated that about three percent of people globally are affected.

There are many speculations and controversy regarding the cause and treatment options for excessive facial sweating. Scientists believe it is a genetic disorder that is linked to the central nervous system. External and emotional factors such as anxiety fear and stressful situations can trigger or worsen the symptoms. The only certainty is that it has a devastating effect on the emotional and psychological well-being of people afflicted with this condition.

People with the affliction can become extremely self-conscious and anti-social. Women are especially vulnerable as it often prevents them from having a normal social life. They cannot wear make-up or certain hairstyles and they live in constant fear of being publicly embarrassed. It can also cause people to shy away from intimate relationships.

Because the condition normally shows up in the early adolescent years, factors like hormonal changes and imbalances cannot be ruled out as trigger or aggravating causes. In rare cases, it can also afflict younger or older people. The condition is not restricted to any specific age, race, gender or ethnic group and can afflict any person at any time.

Contradictory to common belief, obesity or being overweight plays no role in the profile of victims. Men and women are also equally at risk. Depending on the severity of the condition, it can have extreme long-term psychological and emotional effects on the sufferer. It is important to have emotional support to help people cope with the social embarrassment.

Ongoing research to find an ultimate cure has revealed many potential routes of treatment. They include invasive surgery, laser treatment, strict diets and Eastern-based medicine such as acupuncture, homeopathy, herbal remedies and energy healing. Traditional routes include blood tests and hormonal treatment to fix imbalances and shortage of essential nutrients.

The most common superficial treatment of the symptoms includes keeping stacks of tissues or handkerchiefs at bay. A cloth soaked in vinegar, alcohol, spirits or lemon juice can also help to close the skin’s pores. Non-prescription antiperspirants can also bring temporary relief of the symptoms, but none of them treat the cause.

Some people have found relief in surgery, laser treatment and even Botox injections are now being investigated for the treatment of facial sweating. All three routes can have complications and can be costly.

Learn more about Hyperhidrosis and what you can do to stop Excessive Sweating and Find out why you are sweating so much by understanding Hyperhidrosis Causes

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