The Truth about the Secret and the L. O. A (I)

What has to do with The Secret L. O. A? Why is a “Secret”?, What lessons leave us?, Does any person invented “The Secret”? These and some other questions are exceedingly commonplace and today you will learn that there's truth behind the “Secret”.

Since Rhonda Byrne’s film was released in 2006 much has been announced of the Secret and how it can change your life for the better. Today we reveal a little of this puzzle, answer most renowned questions and understand what lessons has to given us.

1. Why is a “Secret”?

The Secret came out of the invention of the creator Rhonda Byrne. The main idea is that the Law of Attraction ideas have been taught for a long while decades and even centuries and have been usually ignored, dropped and nearly concealed. So it's a “secret” that only some had been using for many years. The objective of the film was “revealing the secret,” tell to millions of people about the concealed laws of the universe that will help you in your everyday life.

2. What has to do with The Secret L. O. A?

Quite a lot. The secret, as is told in the flick and book that bears its name compiles the base elements of the Law of Attraction and other Laws of the Universe. Talking of the Secret is preparing to talk about the L. O. A and the Laws of the Universe at the same time.

3. What lessons has the secret for us?

The lessons are simple but strong and if we learn how to bring these concepts into practice in our day we realize a difference inside ourselves first and then in our fact. (Ley de Atraccion)

see few of the basic principles of “The Secret”:

a) “The universe is energy” the material that consists all things (including us) is deep within made of energy or rather of “vibrations.” These vibrations change according to our mood, our thoughts and feelings. AtreveteAVivir

b) “Similar vibrations vibrate together” or “like pulls Similar “: This implies that our vibrations tend to attract more of these vibrations, the results reflecting this in our fact. If we are mindful of this mechanism, we will be able to handle our vibrations to attract another sort of reality.

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