The Secrets of Healing Sciatica

Sciatica is a painful condition that occurs when the root of the sciatic nerve, the longest nerve in the body, becomes compressed. The sciatic nerve has its beginning in the spinal cord near the buttock and hip and extends all the way down the leg and into the foot. Any feeling derived along the hip, leg and foot is due to impulses from the sciatic nerve. Likewise, any compression, damage or inflammation to this nerve can cause pain that radiates all the way from the lower back down the leg and into the foot.

Symptoms that push patients into investigating how to cure sciatica are numerous. These include a sharp and deep-seated pain that starts in your lower back and shoots through your hip and leg when making certain movements. Numbness or muscle weakness in either buttock or leg can be a sign of sciatica. Pain in the hip, lower back or legs that increases after standing or sitting for some time is another symptom. Anyone who has difficulty moving or controlling their legs or feels a tingling sensation of pins and needles up and down either leg should be examined for sciatica.

Over the counter pain medications containing acedeminophin or aspirin are often helpful in treating sciatica. The application of ice packs over the area where the pain is the deepest can often reduce the inflammation. Some people find relief by alternating heating pads with periods of ice pack therapy. Anti-inflammatory prescription medication may be necessary if the pain proves hard to manage.

Physical Therapy proves beneficial to some sufferers. A medical professional should prescribe therapy. A professional physical therapist will avoid exercises that irritate the nerve and bring on attacks. Therapy that strengthens the muscles holding the spine in position promote good posture. Yoga, undertaken carefully, is beneficial for sciatica sufferers. Some yoga positions, such as forward folds or twisting, may exacerbate sciatica. The benefits of yoga include mental and physical balance, and many people find Yoga exercise offers permanent healing for sciatica.

Yet another natural technique to consider is chiropractic treatment, designed to adjust or manipulate your spine, thus enhancing function and reducing pain. A chiropractor may also perform some massage and stretch, to give you some relief from your lower back sciatica.

A number of natural remedies and supplements have shown improvement in some patients with an inflamed sciatic nerve. In particular, Sciatol has been reported to provide relief from the pain of sciatica, as well as decrease other symptoms such as inflammation and discomfort. Natural remedies such as Sciatol are often preferred by patients in order to avoid many of the side effects that can results from using a number of the various physician prescribed medications currently on the market. Moreover, Sciatol can also provide additional support and mobility of back movement even after symptoms have been resolved.

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