The Real Cost Of Laser Surgery For Stretch Marks Exposed!

If you are suffering from stretch marks, then you may well have already discovered that laser surgery is the most successful route to deal with them. There are other procedures like, Stretch Marks Creams, Dermabrasion, Skin Lightening Creams and even Exfoliating scrubs, but the most effective method, which is broadly accepted, is laser surgery for the removal of stretch marks.

The trouble is, is that most people don`t seem to know much about laser surgery for stretch marks. They hear the word “surgery” and freak out or they think “it`s surgery and done by a doctor, so it`s bound to work”. In this article you will find out everything there is to know about laser surgery for stretch marks, including how it`s done, what are the side effects if any and is it painful and of-course, how much it can cost and does it actually work?

How Is Laser Surgery Done?

Laser surgery for stretch marks works by damaging the skin around the stretch marks. The reason this is done is mainly because stretch marks are triggered by the damaging to the elastin of the skin, which is what you have in your skin that causes skin to return to its original form after it has been over stretched. Laser surgery for stretch marks needs to repair this elastin around the injured area and it does that by stimulating the skin in this area. When skin is slightly injured this causes the elastin to react in order to heal that area, and this may also heal or correct the look of the stretch marks.

Laser surgery has been known to be most helpful at the early stages of when stretch marks make an appearance . This is when they are red or purple. After they have turned white, it will be much harder to remove them, even with Laser surgery.

Are There Any Side Effects And What Are The Costs?

Laser surgery for stretch marks is not really known to have many side effects, but like with all surgery, there are risks and although side effects are un-common, they do exist. These may include swelling, bruising and even scarring. There is a chance you may actually be worse off than before you had the surgery. Don`t let this scare you out of the idea, as it is already mentioned that these side effects are rare. As far as most people are concerned, the biggest side effect they will face after getting laser surgery for stretch marks is a little discomfort and they will probably have to take a day off work. Laser surgery is not usually painful and most people usually return to their normal schedule within a day.

The cost for laser surgery for stretch marks can vary between $200 and $1800 and more than one session may be required. Your doctor or the clinic doing the procedure for you may have a payment plan available. It should also be noted that most insurance companies will not cover this type of procedure, so check with your doctor and insurance provider before you commit to anything.

Is Laser Surgery The Answer For You?

Despite the fact that laser surgery has its benefits and is the most effective way to get rid of or at the very least decrease the look of stretch marks, it is not a magic bullet and there are no guarantees it will work. It may be highly recommended to use laser surgery as a last alternative after you have tried stretch marks creams, but even with this option, not all stretch marks creams are equal and it would serve you well to study and compare a few stretch marks creams reviews.

The information offered here is not intended to replace medical advice or common sense. Laser surgery, like any other type of medical surgery does hold risks and therefore it is always best to speak to a physician before you undergo any type of surgery.

Want to find out more about How To Hide Stretch Marks, then visit Pam Trivedi’s site on how to choose the best Stretch Marks Creams for you.

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