The Modern Dentistry Benefits of Dental Implants

In the world of modern dentistry, dental implants have come a very long way. They are designed to replace teeth that are either damaged or missing altogether. Prior to the advent of modern dental implants, individuals who lost permanent teeth needed to either have bridgework done or wear dentures.

Now with modern dentistry advancements, those who need even one tooth replaced can have a dental implant placed. These implants resemble native teeth and are meant to be permanent. Even a few teeth can be replaced if that is deemed necessary.

Dental implants need either a titanium cylinder or a screw to be placed into the bone to support the new fake tooth. It is needed to allow some time to pass so that the metal will integrate with the bone around it so that it is very stable. There are exact methods for placement of the implant in those who do not have sufficient bone for integration or those who do not have sufficient bone height to put in the implant. Once the hardware has been put into the underlying jawbone, then either a prosthetic tooth or crown is attached to the implant and it ends up looking just like a normal tooth like the native ones in the mouth.

Even in those with dentures, dental implants are finding usage. One of the issues with dentures is that they tend to slip which can be embarrassing. Other issues with dentures are that they do not always fit properly and they might end up leading to some soreness in the mouth. Adding dental implants into the bone and solidifying the place for these dentures has many benefits for patients.

The name of this procedure is the All on 4 Dental Implant. The procedure maintains a really high success rate and cosmetically is very appealing. For those individuals with a number of missing teeth or are not happy with their dentures, the All on Four can provide both form and function. It can elevate self esteem and confidence and make people much more social. The newest teeth look like the native teeth in the mouth and any person with good physical and oral health is a procedure candidate.

Any individual who’s dealing with these issues should have a look into the world of modern dentistry which thankfully is much more cognizant of both form and function. The benefits may surprise you tremendously.

Want to find out more about the best dentists Scottsdale, then visit Scottsdale Center for Dental Medicine’s site on how to choose the best dental implants Scottsdale for your needs.

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