The Lean Belly Prescription: A Fair Review

We all recognize that having volumes of belly fat can be a problem. Not only can it give us those unattractive and embarrassing “muffin tops”, it can add pressure to our bodies and contribute to things like diabetes, coronary issues and more. Now, however, there is a new book that you can buy known as the Lean Belly Prescription that claims to help readers get rid of their muffin tops and improve their health. This book has many reviews already and we wanted to know if it was a lot better than anything else that people are already buying so we decided to investigate it.

You can purchase the book at a “regular” book selling website like Barnes and Noble, Borders and also on This helps give believability and legitimacy to the book. It could also help make it less difficult to buy because you don’t have to worry about some affiliate giving a trumped up review to ensure they earn a commission on a product that doesn’t help you. This book was composed by Travis Stork. You could remember him from the show “The Bachelor” or perhaps recognize him as one of the doctors on the syndicated daytime show “The Doctors.” He is, even so, more than a television personality. He is a genuine medical doctor and works in the emergency room at a genuine medical center.

The book was produced in order to advertise his Pick 3 to Lean plan. The Pick 3 to Lean system helps you customize your diet and lifestyle habits but isn’t going to require you to spend hours and hours working out a gym. The program will give you the possibility to lose pounds without having to give up or refrain from indulging in the things you like the most like great food, free time, etc. The plan is based on the N.E.A.T (or Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) principle. This is a concept that claims you can burn calories without having to do lots of exercise.

From what we read, this book makes a lot of nice promises but isn’t going to offer up any new or particularly revelation-worthy information. The real fact is that most of the details present in this book could be found by doing a few basic Google searches and using your common sense. It will even be unsatisfying for people who are hoping for some real reasoning behind the instructions they are given. There is very little theory inside the pages of this guide. It only gives readers a lot of guidelines and plans and tells them to follow them. If you happen to be a person who would like to have a clear cut plan to follow but who doesn’t want to have to worry about the particulars of the plan, this might be the book you are looking for.

Traditional logic tells us that the only real way to lose weight is to eat good food and get regular exercise. This book doesn’t use that standard logic so there’s no real way to tell whether or not it will work the way the marketing promises it will. Of course, it’s absolutely worth a look, particularly when you get permission from your physician (your own doctor, not the doctor who wrote the book).

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