The Importance Of Stretching

Many body building individuals tend to neglect this part because of pain but stretching has utter important role in muscle building. Passive stretching will help prevent injury, improve performance, reduce DOMS(Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness is a major problem for hard-training athletes of all ages. Whereas normal muscle soreness occurs immediately following a workout and lasts for up to 36 hours, DOMS is far different: it sets in about 72 hours post-workout, severely restricts range of motion and functionality and is very painful), and should be part of a warm-up and cool-down. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims, and in fact there is mounting scientific research to show otherwise.

Despite this, there seems to be a lot of conflicting advice about how and when to stretch. It has been seen that too many trainees are unable to perform optimally or suffer from recurring injuries, in part due to improper stretching habits.
The stretch-shortening cycle occurs in a specific order. As the body performs an eccentric action the body stores potential kinetic energy. When the concentric action quickly follows the eccentric phase the kinetic energy is utilized.

The stretch-shortening cycle is displayed in numerous sporting events. This sequence of movement is often referred to as reversible muscle action in sporting events. The stretch-shortening cycle is displayed in numerous sporting events. This sequence of movement is often referred to as reversible muscle action in sporting events.
Examples of the stretch-shortening cycle would include the wind up by a pitcher in baseball. In power-lifting bench pressing and squatting are SSC(Strength Shortening Cycle) movements. In boxing fighters usually perform a slight pre-stretch before throwing a punch.

Stretching Reverses Hardening Of Arteries
Researchers show that prolonged stretching (in the form of yoga) with moderate aerobic exercise and diet control will reduce cholesterol and significantly reverse hardening of the arteries (20 percent regression) in adults with proven coronary atherosclerosis disease.

After one year in a yoga program, participants lost weight, reduced cholesterol, and improved their exercise capacity, (Retardation of coronary atherosclerosis with yoga lifestyle intervention, 2000, Manchanda).

If you have time for yoga classes, or your martial arts training emphasizes stretching, that’s great. Keep it up! But if you’re not attending karate or yoga classes, then the 10-Minute Synergy Fitness Stretching Routine may be for you.
There are 2 main categories of stretching: passive and active.

Passive stretching is when you use an outside force other than your own muscle to move a joint or limb beyond its active range of motion, to put your body into a position that you couldn’t do by yourself (such as when you lean into a wall, or have a partner push you into a deeper stretch). Unfortunately, this is the most common form of stretching used.

Active stretching eliminates outside force and it’s adverse effects from stretching procedures. It involves actively using your own muscles to achieve range of motion; as the antagonist (opposite) muscle contracts, the agonist (target) muscle groups lengthen and relax. This is a safe, effective, and recommended method of stretching.
Active stretching is a safe effective method of maintaining a healthy range of motion, while increasing joint stability and strength. Because muscle ‘tightness’ is often due to compensation for joint instability or weakness in another muscle, developing strong, stable joints allows a greater range of motion.

It is recommended to perform active range of motion (AROM) exercises following a workout, game, or practice session. The “stretch” positions can be very similar to passive stretches, but they are being held using muscular effort, not outside force. Actively hold each position for 10 to 15 seconds. Perform AROM Exercises Following A Workout.

Examples of some basic AROM static stretches include:
o Lats: reaching your arms straight overhead
o Chest: extend your arms out to the sides, and retract your shoulder blades
o Quadriceps: flex your heal toward your butt, contracting the hamstrings
o Hamstrings: extend your leg straight in front of you, and contract the quads

Athletes, coaches, trainers, and others need to use the combination of strength training, conditioning, and warming up that’s best for a given sport or activity.

In general, it is recommended to perform a dynamic warm-up before training and incorporate some active range stretches afterwards. Also consider that stretching naturally occurs when you exercise. In order to contract a muscle, the opposite muscle groups have to be relaxed and lengthened.
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