The 8 Stupid Dieting Mistakes You Have Probably Made and How to Fix Them

If you make these 8 blunders you won’t drop fat, no matter what diet plan you are using. In this article you’ll find out what they are and how to steer clear of them.


1. Not planning. “I don’t know what my triggers are, what my danger situations are that cause me to lose my healthy focus or want to overeat.” Fix: Take ten minutes every night before bedtime to plan your schedule and your diet for the next day. Include accomplishing the single most effective thing you could reasonably do to help you lose weight and get healthy. Consider possible food and eating triggers you might run into and plan a workaround.

2. Fixing mood with food. “I’m feeling blue, so let’s have cake.” Fix: Eat healthy food regularly throughout the day. Make sure you have supportive people in your life to talk to and reach out to them. Conversely, make sure you are truly supportive of others, too, as it can do wonders for your mood. Get professional help if you need it.

3. Never working out. Fix: Do a small amount of simple exercise, even just walking, today. Put some in your planning session for tomorrow. Start slowly, don’t overdo. If you don’t like getting sweaty, do lower intensity workouts. If time is an issue, a couple of weekly high intensity workouts of a fifteen minutes each can work wonders.

4. Waiting for the perfect time. It’s the, ‘when I get my…health club membership, new machine, workout outfit…I’ll start losing weight’ thinking that creates this one. Fix: Instead, focus on what practical thing you can do now to look and feel better. Include this in your evening plan for tomorrow. Keep this same focus every night when you are planning for your next day.

5. Imagining tasty sweets or other junk food. Fix: Plan to keep healthy but quick food around, and eat it often throughout the day. Prevent cravings before they arise.

6. Tolerating the insulin yo-yo. Some foods will cause your body to rush in with insulin. Your blood sugar goes up and down like a yo-yo leading to fat storage and fatigue. Fix: Notice when these swings happen, and what you ate just before them. Avoid the fast/binge syndrome by planning to eat regularly throughout the day. Some supplements like chromium and cinnamon are thought to help smooth out these swings. See a doctor if you need too.

7. Stuffing food when starving. Creating heavy hunger pangs by not planning for frequent healthy eating. Then just jamming junk down your throat. Fix: Chew your meals; consume a thought-out amount, then hold out at least 20 minutes prior to eating more. Prepare for hunger pangs by eating some quality food well before you get really hungry. Pay attention to your body’s subtler cues to head off major starving and then binging.

8. Doing ‘high additive’ grocery shopping. Fix: Include specific healthy fresh meals and frequent good snacks in your evening planning session before you start buying. Eat well first before you shop. Use the fresh foods sections of the store first.

Cody discusses how to lose fat with the new fat technologies at the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet Review . To get your FREE article about using Strategic Synergy to create your new Dream Body, go to: How to Lose Fat Fast for Your New Dream Body

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