What Is The DLAB And How Do I Prepare For It

Most people will tell you that you cannot study or prepare yourself for the DLAB, however, this they would be incorrect. While the Defense Language Aptitude Battery exam is unusual, and difficult to get ready for, you can actually study for it and thus get a better score. So, to get you started on your journey, we have provided key steps to improve your score and ensure you are prepared for the DLAB test.

How To Achieve Your Goals In Five Simple Steps

Life without order can be chaotic, and the best way to create order is to set goals. Goal setting can be the key to having success and happiness in your life. Everyone already knows how to set a goal, most people do it every year with News Years Resolutions, however it is sticking to and achieving the goal that can become difficult. In order to attain the goals you set you must know exactly what you want out of it, be passionate about it, and have a solid plan of action. While you may find yourself facing many obstacles along the path to your goal, you can use these 5 tried and true methods to help you achieve the success you want and deserve.

Motivate Me To Study! Why “if-Then” Rewards Don’t Really Work

If you’re reading this then motivation may be a challenge for you. Perhaps you feel you have no drive, perhaps you struggle to get excited about what you do each day, or perhaps you just want to unlock the mystery of your own motivation levels. Well taking an interest is the first step. Do the words “if then” mean anything to you? Do you know how it relates to your motivation?

Understanding The 80/20 Rule Will Change Your Results Straight Away

Have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule? Chances are that this rule is impacting you right now even if you aren’t aware of it or how it works. The good news is that by becoming aware of the rule and how it applies to you right now will allow you to manipulate it and use it to help you get some awesome results! And we all want awesome results don’t we?

Get Motivated Today: Discover Your True Motivation

You may be wondering why you can’t “get motivated” or why you don’t “feel motivated” but if that sounds like you, you needn’t worry. You see, “getting motivated” is really just a myth. Motivation isn’t something you can turn on and off like a tap. Sure, you can watch a self-motivation video or read a self-help article like this one and feel full of passion and hope and have great dreams – and then all of a sudden you fall flat on your face. Life has got in the way again!