The Side Effects of Chemotherapy: How To Nurse It

The medical professional identified our mom’s illness as Hodgkins disease when mama was in her early twenties. That happened numerous years past.Obtaining that form of cancer at that time, my mom surviving wasn’t expected. Mom was not like the rest of the family who were all troubled. Mama had a strange peace about this revealing period of her life. For treatment, mom went to a prominent clinic in the city of Dallas, in Texas yet before mom left, my brother and I had gotten the chicken pox, however she kissed me and my brother nevertheless and off mom went. In the past, radiation was the only method of treating cancer and mother had hers at the medical facility where she was staying. But later, something happened Mom got up one morning enveloped in spots on her whole body. Eight medical professionals were attending to her but nobody could determine the explanation behind the spots. Mom suspected soon after that perhaps it was chicken pox and that mama got it from us. Due to the fact that all her life mother never contracted it. She had tests and it was corroborated. It was rather strange that a chicken pox astonishingly solved my mama’s cancer. The medical chronicle even has a record of it. The family was so happy when mother came home and so was she. We grew into adults and our mama was still with us.