Simple Home Therapy You Can Do For Yourself If You Have Suffered a CVA

Cardiovascular diseases cause 50 % of deaths in the U.S.A. Coronary Heart disease affects 13.5 million Americans. Genetic disposition, sedentary lifestyle, misguided eating habits and lack of exercise are the root causes of this problem. Cardiac Rehab tries not only medical treatment but also a complete overhauling of lifestyle to fight heart disease. The Cardiac Rehab program aims at improving each patient’s health and long-term prognosis through exercise and diet change.

The Importance Of Chiropractic Care After An Automobile Accident

Many people are still in the dark about the importance of having a chiropractic consultation and exam after an automobile accident. Usually attention is only given to the obvious injuries. Commonly, one may wonder about the need of visiting a chiropractor when they have already seen a doctor in the hospital. There are different types of doctors with different approaches and philosophies. Hospital doctors look for internal bleeding, fractures, or emergency care. Chiropractors look for spinal misalignments and soft tissue inflammation.

San Diego Chiropractors Revealing The Unlikely Cause Of Back Pain

When back pain victims think of what causes back pain, they often believe that all of a sudden, they make a quick and sudden movement or pick up a heavy object and their back goes out. While this may happen in some circumstances, it is far more likely that repetitive conditions leading up to a sudden traumatic injury have much more to do with the pain than the proximate cause itself. While there are a large number of reasons for back pain, here are a few that are not often discussed.

A Few Things To Keep In Mind When Looking For A Chiropractor

Finding the right doctor to suit your individual needs can be a difficult task, particularly if you have never been to a doctor before. There are many different chiropractic care techniques as well as different philosophies and approaches to case management. Sadly, some new chiropractic patients are displeased with their initial chiropractic experience because they chose a doctor whose approach was not consistent with the patient’s wants and expectations.

Chiropractor In San Diego Reviews How Popular Obesity Surgery Worse Than They Thought

As a chiropractic doctor at New Century Spine Centers in San Diego, I regularly help patients with nutrition for losing weight. I also encounter patients that undergo the common weight loss surgeries. Obesity is defined as a body mass index, also known as BMI, of 30 or greater. BMI is calculated from a person’s weight and height, and provides a reasonable indicator of body fatness and weight categories that may lead to health problems. Obesity is a major risk factor for conditions such as cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer, and Type 2 Diabetes.

Fibromyalgia Patients In San Diego Find Long Term Relief

Anyone suffering from fibromyalgia knows how painful and depressing life can be. At New Century Spine Centers in San Diego, fibromyalgia is a common ailment that many people come in for. Many fibromyalgia patients who come in for chiropractic care also know how misunderstood this condition can be. Until you suffer with fibromyalgia, it is difficult to really understand the true effects on a person.

To Reduce Your Chances Of Getting 4 Deadly Diseases by 50%, All You Have To Do Is This One Thing!

There is new research that shows one easy way you can reduce your risk of breast cancer, colon cancer, multiple sclerosis and Type 1 diabetes by a whopping 50%! We’ve all heard it, but who really pays attention to these wise words? Maybe we are all just a little lazy or just too skeptical.