Echocardiograms In A Biomarker Development For Animals

New innovative and ground-breaking technologies are now being developed in the field of medical research. Vevo technology allows for echocardiograms for translational research and biomarker development in animals. This technological advancement provides a resolution down to 30 microns. Quantification tools and software are customized for small animal physiology. The high frame rate of acquisition provides the best spatial resolution and temporal specs compared to other imaging modalities such as CT and MRI. Today, medical researchers are now offered a variety of opportunities that until now were simply not possible.

Modalities Of In Vivo Imaging For Cancer Evaluation

In vivo imaging for cancer evaluation allows the disease to be diagnosed and monitored within its physiological environment. Many medical disciplines, including immunology, pharmacology, chemistry, and molecular and cell biology, have worked together to create the latest imaging technologies. CT scans, MRIs, optical scans, PET scans, SPECT scans, and ultrasound, are all modalities for in vivo imaging.