Dogs and Diabetes

How can you decide if your dog might possibly have diabetes? In the vast majority of cases, it is not very likely for younger dogs to contract diabetes, but if your pet is more than 4 years old and is exhibiting other symptoms, then the possibility for diabetes could be a real one. Diabetes in dogs is quite a bit more common in females. Many of a dog’s symptoms are a lot like those of diabetes in humans.

Could my dog be expecting puppies?

It’s usually not easy or evident to tell when your dog could be pregnant or whelping (a dog-specific term for birthing). She won’t be “late” and you can’t just purchase a home pregnancy kit from the corner drugstore for her. Not to mention, it would be a moderately difficult task to get her to pee on a stick. The best way to find out if you’ll have newborn puppies in your home soon is to take a drive down to your veterinarian’s office. A basic blood test and X-ray is all that she’ll need. But if your female dog is not spayed and you suppose that she may be pregnant, there are some signs and symptoms that you can watch for on your own.

Frontline Plus for Dogs – Overview

Pets are extremely common within the United States with over 72 million households owning a pet. From the several animals taken as pets, dogs and cats are probably the most common. Based on the 2011-2012 APPA National Pet Owners Survey, 46.3 million American households have a pet dog. Plus the total quantity of dogs owned as pets inside the US stands at 78.2 million. Dogs are believed to be one of the most effective companions and incredibly soon turn into a component of your family members. They’re extremely preferred for their capacity to guard your houses.