Does Pubic Shaving Increase the Spread of Herpes in Men?

What is the connection between a reported rise in the incidence of herpes in men and the rise in popularity of pubic area shaving and waxing? Several health care experts think that there is, and earlier this year went on the record to discuss why they think the practice of shaving and waxing dramatically elevates a man’s chance of acquiring HSV-2 (genital herpes).

The Causes of Herpes Outbreaks

In spite of years of medical research into the issue, the sources of herpes outbreaks are still poorly understood. Typically called “triggers”, the stimuli responsible for triggering the process of viral shedding in infected people is believed to encompass everything from direct sunlight to specific types of food items. Unfortunately, while hypotheses abound, not much in the form of scientific proof is available.

How To Cure Nail Fungus

If you by chance happen to see a fungal infection growing up under someones nails then you know that it is not a very good thing to see and it’s even worse when you have to deal with it yourself. When you are suffering from a condition like this you will want to find out how to cure nail fungus as soon as possible.

UK Diabetic news: Amputation and blindness risk for 20,000 British children

In England and Wales, 85% of children and young people with diabetes could end up with complications such as amputation and blindness in later life unless urgent steps are taken. That’s the assessment of charity Diabetes UK, who have called for ambitious new child-centric research focused on improving diabetes care and management.

The Truth About Dry Mouth

For the millions of people who suffer from dry mouth, the lack of saliva is more than just a nuisance. Not only does it reduce the person’s ability to enjoy the taste of his or her favorite foods, but it can also lead to advanced tooth decay as a result of the decreased volume of healthy bacteria in the mouth. In addition, it can impair the ability to swallow and even make digestion more difficult. Those who suffer from the condition need to understand its causes, as well as how best to treat it.

Types Of Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a blood fat needed by the body in moderate amounts. However, high cholesterol levels can lead to atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease (CAD). Angina is chest pain caused by the restriction of blood flow to the heart (cardiac ischemia). To relieve angina, nitrates may be used.

Let’s Examine The Many Kinds Of Hearing Aids

Today, there are many more types of hearing aids available. For those that have hearing loss, due to the wide variety of hearing aids available today, you may be able to find a model that can help you. A significant factor that you need to consider is the cost of the hearing aid which you may vary greatly depending upon which model you purchase. If you suffer from hearing loss, you may find some relief as we detail some of the most common hearing aids on the market right now.