Things You Need to Know About Heart Stress Tests

Our bodies are hardwired to perform certain functions during times of heightened stress. The body also has predictable biochemical reactions. One well-known reaction to stress is increased heart rate. Both blood pressure and heart rate increase, thus allowing your body to face whatever might be causing you stress. Stress tests are performed because they are considered the perfect method to gauge the strength of your heart as well as its limitations if higher demands are placed on it.

The Stress Test as an Efficient Diagnostic Tool in Medicine

The cardiologists most important resource is the stress test when a diagnosis needs to be made to look for heart disease of any kind. Doctors, looking to achieve the best results, must work with highly trained technicians while performing the stress test. Different tests are required to diagnose different conditions and they all have their very own unique sets of requirements. The tests that are performed to identify specific cardiac diseases are greatly influenced by the specific tests as well as other conditions. The one thing doctors need to find out is how much stress the heart can handle before it is impacted and altered by the stress. most people are familiar with the exercise stress test though it is only suited for one specific application.