Critical Information Related to Low Back Suffering and The reason You Have To Protect Yourself

Merely in the US alone, perhaps somewhere in excess of forty billion dollars is devoted to matters related to low back pain. So many men and women have had perhaps some sort of unpleasant experience with low back pain, regardless of whether it was a one time event. The expense to overall business is astronomical simply because low back incidents are the principal reason for absence and disability payments. Low back pain is number two in the United States for neuro-related medical problems. The range of possibilities can be from a simple strain that lasts a day or two up to the most serious injuries that can result in surgery.

Yoga For Back Trouble

Yoga has been considered the best fitness regime since ages because of its holistic approach. It has helped many folks get rid of varied health problems including back stiffness. If you too wish to use yoga for the treatment of your back stiffness then here are some insights.

Radiofrequency Neurotomy (Ablation) For Sacroiliac Joint Pain

As one ages, arthritis is a frequent unwelcome “friend” and weight bearing joints often experience substantial pain. Two of these joints are the sacroiliac joints which are on both sides of the lower back. They see much less movement than ball and socket joints like the hip, but definitely enough to cause daily pain for people. Radiofrequency ablation (neurotomy) may help affected patients for a long time period with their SI joint pain as an excellent nonsurgical therapy.

How Can I Tell If My Feet Are Involved In My Low Back Pain?

As a Bellevue Chiropractor I have found that 60-70% of the people that suffer with low back pain also have some sort of dysfunction in their feet. This dysfunction, over time, can create and be the very cause of the pain in their back. The vast majority of my patients who present this way have no idea that there is anything wrong in their feet, they just know that they have back pain! In my office I use a digital foot scanner, and biomechanical testing to evaluate every low back pain patient for this problem, and complication