How Using An Acupressure Mat Will Bolster Health

Using a bed of nails for relaxation exercises, yoga and meditation is something that Indians caught on to thousands of years ago. Research has shown that this relieves pain because it stimulates the body to produce endorphins which are natural painkillers. These are the same hormones that are released during exercise, when eating chocolate and when closely interacting physically with a partner. This has been modernized into an acupressure mat.

Thyroid Treatment

Just like the furnace in your house, your thyroid gland is used to regulate your body’s temperature. Hyperthyroid means your thyroid gland is functioning too low and you will be cold along with all the systems of your body. Your body’s systems will work at a reduced state because the enzymes of the body need to be at 98.6 degrees F to work properly. Once your body temperature is below this normal range, it will negatively affect all other systems, glands, and organs. The reverse, when your thyroid gland is functioning too high will result in the body temperature alternative between hot and cold. This is known as hyperthyroid, Graves, and Hashimoto’s. In any of these conditions, the immune system is stressed and this will lead to major health disorders.

Wellness Coaching – Getting the Body Alkaline

Your body is more intelligent than you are. It also has the amazing capability to regenerate itself. Its innate intelligence can replace nearly every cell in your body every eight to ten months. Why not empower it to replace your damaged cells with perfectly healthy cells? The best Wellness Coaches will teach you that there are typically only three factors that block the body’s self-healing power: Stress, toxins, and a vertebral subluxation.