Stop Panic Attacks As Easy As 123

How does a panic attack work? The pea size adrenal glands are organs sitting just over the kidneys. They secrete adrenaline which when released into the body increases the ability to respond to emergencies. This response to the physical symptoms can quite often be misinterpreted as a heart attack. The fear response will continue if these symptoms are ignored or misinterpreted.

As adrenaline floods the blood stream it signals the heart to pump harder sending blood where it is needed to your legs, arms and brain. The brain goes onto high alert, and your senses become hyper sensitive. Your legs and arms have new found strength to fight or run fast for your survival. Your reflexes become super responsive to act literally without thinking, without fear.

This all starts in the brain when your brain perceives a threat and it responds by releasing a signal to your adrenals to start pumping massive amounts of adrenaline into your bloodstream and sending it to all areas of the body that can help you. Such as your arms, legs and your brain. Only at the point that the brain ceases to sense fear or danger will this process stop.

There are 3 easy steps you can follow to put a stop to panic. Funny thing is the speed that adrenaline can be released in, it can also be stopped and fully reversed. In fact in as little as three minutes. Commit to learning these 3 steps and you have a way to stop panic attacks for good.

Step One: RELAX
Breathing is fundamental to living. It is also the secret to slowing our biological and emotional systems to an even easy to manage pace. The first thing is to take a moment and breathe slowly and deeply five times. Make sure to count the breaths and follow the passage of air with your mind.

Even as you are breathing slowly and deeply, notice what your mind is saying to you as if you were watching from a distance. Every time a negative thought pops into your mind, ask yourself; “What am I grateful for today?” Then answer yourself. It might just be that you got out of bed in the morning, or that you have the sense of sight. There is absolutely always something to be grateful for. Keep saying them to yourself. Find additional ones and repeat the ones you have already spoken to yourself.

This leads to the third step. Panic is quite often shrouded in fear. Others emotions might be present like feelings of anger, sadness, or depression. Despite their negative tone emotions are valuable feedback designed to create or facilitate some form of equilibrium. Or simply that there is something that needs noticing. Notice the message at hand. Look around it, observe it, listen to it. Imagine it is talking to you. Acknowledge it, let it be. Go with the flow of your emotions and you might discover they pass quicker and with greater ease than pretending they are not there or trying to block them out. This never works.

When you are in a calm state make sure that you get very clear about the three steps above. Write the steps down on a small card that you can carry with you at all times. In three minutes you will have deflated your panic attack.

Find out more about how to stop panic attacks permanently, visit Allan Rudner’s site and get your free reportStop Panic Attacks Help.

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