Stem Cells From Amniotic Fluid May Revolutionize Regenerative Medicine

Amniotic fluid based stem cell treatments for soft tissue injuries and cartilage defects have entered the world of regenerative medicine.

In recent years, stem cell therapies have been brought to the upper echelons of medicine. Most musculoskeletal treatment is accomplished with platelet rich plasma, called PRP. PRP involves taking blood from the patient and running it through a centrifuge to collect cells available in plasma. After the processing, the concentrate is then reinjected into the area chosen for treatment, such as the patient’s knee. PRP treatment usually involves numerous injections, typically 3.

While PRP has maintained some success, there are multiple cons with treatment. First of all, the total stem cell quantity number is significantly less than what is seen with other injection materials. In addition, stem cells do not always maintain the undifferentiated potential in adults to go towards all human cell types, such as tendon, muscle, bone, and cartilage.

Each person is born with a level of stem cells in their body. At birth, the stem cell level is at its’ peak with about 1 in 10,000 cells. This level progressively declines with age. As a teenager the number drops to 1 in 100,000 cells. At age thirty it continues downwards to 1 in 250,000 cells. At age fifty the amount is 1 in 400,000 and finally by age eighty it is a paltry 1 in 2,000,000 according to Caplan, A. Clinics in Plastic Surgery 1994.

Treatments that are amniotic fluid stem cell injections based are the next step in effective regenerative treatment. Amniotic fluid not only contains an incredible amount of stem cells, it also contains a complete biological system that adds to the benefits. Amniotic fluid has been shown to be a rich source of multipotent stem cells, proteins, and growth factors vital for fetal development and growth. Medical research shows that the presence of these cells gives ancillary clinical benefits by enhancing the body’s natural regenerative process while filling soft tissue defects.

Amniotic fluid does not contain fetal tissue, so there are no ethical concerns such as with embryonic stem cells while the cells still have multipotency. These cells remain undifferentiated and still have the capacity to turn into bone, cartilage, or muscle. The issue with embryonic cells is they may overdo it and turn into tumors, while amniotic cells do not have that capacity.

Existing research has demonstrated that hyaluronic acids, cytokines, growth factors, and stem cells present in amniotic fluid stimulate the repair or enhance the local microenvironment by pumping up the body’s natural regenerative process and allowing damaged tissue to undergo regeneration.

Right now treatments offered consist of tissue repair or removal, such as with surgery or letting the body try and heal itself. For instance, with a cartilage defect in the knee the natural process it fills in with fibrocartilage. This is not real cartilage and does not maintain the protective qualities as native cartilage. Injecting an amniotic fluid based stem cell treatment by a pain management doctors in Arizona could allow real native cartilage to fill in and prevent later joint degeneration. Another example would be a meniscal tear, where the most well known treatment is shaving the tear off with arthroscopic surgery. The meniscus is the shock absorber for the knee, and taking out too much can lead to premature arthritis. It would be better to promote regeneration.

With all of the clinical benefits seen with stem cells along with the components in amniotic fluid, it may provide the next revolution in regenerative musculoskeletal treatment at a Phoenix chiropractors.

Want to find out more about Phoenix chiropractic, then visit Preferred Pain Center’s site on how to choose the best Phoenix chirorpactors for your needs.

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