Starting A Career In Phlebotomy

Phlebotomy, known to most as bloodletting has its roots in antiquity and was essentially ritualistic. Its application to medicine started in 5th century Greece when drawing out blood was believed to cure ailments. Drawing out blood during the medieval period was done by barber-surgeons. The development of this technique made it a safe, efficient and pain-free procedure that is being practiced these days. Today, phlebotomy is used primarily in the health care setting, either for diagnostic procedures or for treatment, as in blood transfusion or to remove excess iron and red blood cells from the body as in the case of hemochromatosis and polycythemia, respectively.

There are actually a lot of people who want to have a career in phlebotomy since it only requires a short period of training to be qualified for the job. Going through an excellent phlebotomy training will make you earn a minimum of $20,000 per year in the US. For people who have phlebotomy certification and has experienced working in a hospital, they can enjoy a much higher compensation.

To be able to be qualified in this field, you should have knowledge on hospital waste management, aseptic technique, proper sharp disposal and also good skills in communication. Aside from the fact that there are bachelor or associate degree courses which make phlebotomy part of its curriculum, shorter certificate courses are alse available for people who do not want to have longer period of training. These phlebotomy training and certification programs equip students the basic competencies required for finding work at entry level.

For most countries like Australia and the UK, phlebotomy training is usually on the job with certificate of completion awarded by the training hospital. However, in some states in the US, they require individuals to have phlebotomy certification if they want to pursue a career in this field. Hospitals usually employ individuals who have taken phlebotomy classes even though the state does not necessarily require these individuals to obtain a certificate.

If you want to acquire phlebotomy certification in America, you have to undergo phlebotomy training or other related courses from an accredited school, after which you can apply for one at the American Society for Clinical Pathology or the Association of Phlebotomy Technicians. Those who already have a year of work experience as a phlebotomist may seek certification through National Phlebotomy Association.

With employment opportunities for phlebotomists pegged to grow by 14% in the next seven years, getting relevant certification now will definitely give you a competitive edge.

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