Spider Leg Veins

The problem of spider veins has been around for quite some time and there are many causes of spider veins. Spider veins occur when the walls in the veins become weak which leads to an enlargement of the blood vessels. This is the medical definition, however there is a list of other causes of spider veins to include, overexposure to the sun, hormone imbalances, smoking, drinking alcohol, heredity, smoking and obesity.

Some individuals are simply predisposed to developing varicose veins in the legs. Researchers found that some individuals are born with weak valves in the legs or not enough valves in the legs for proper blood flow and circulation.

Compression stockings are pantyhose socks designed to help with varicose veins removal. It gives comfort, and it promotes better circulation. They are generally recommended for busy people who sit, stand or travel for long hours. Physicians support its use as a preventative measure and after having sclerotherapy to avoid the reappearance of spider veins and varicose veins.

A healthy diet is another way to naturally treat spider leg veins. Foods that are high in cholesterol can clog veins causing a greater restriction in blood flow. Diets with high ratios of fruits and vegetables supply needed vitamins, which help with spider leg veins. Vitamin K increases vein flexibility and is instrumental in healing blood-clotting issues. Other vitamins that can help cure spider leg veins are vitamins A, C, and D.

Depending on how bad the conditions get a physician may prescribe special socks. These socks called compression stalkings are made of elastic and are designed to constrict the legs and stop excess blood from flowing in to them. Sometimes these socks will have to be worn for the rest of the patient’s life and other times this alone will be enough to stop the problem

The last solutions that I have found is Venovil. This is based on working on the problem from the inside out. This supplement is packed with flavonoids, the same items that help from berries. This supplement to help reduce spider veins is also high in enzymes that help get rid of the cause of these spider veins.

Would you like to learn more info about Varicose veins pictures – Varicose veins pictures: Blue, hardened and disturbing!, then check out our site and read more about The treatment of varicose veins.

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