Side Effects Of Melatonin Supplements

Melatonin is a hormone supplement that is often used to help in treating insomnia conditions as well as in treating the effects of jet-leg. However, melatonin supplements have a potential health risk to people who tend to overdose it by self-prescribing. In fact, melatonin is a hormone that is produced in pineal gland which is about the size of a bean and is located in the center of the human brain. Melatonin is secreted only when the body senses darkness which could potentially lead to sleep. Melatonin regulates the sleep cycle in some patients who are suffering from the common forms of sleep problems or deprivation because of the late night work hours. As well it is helpful in some other brain functions as well as there are claims that it helps in the fortification of the immune system. There have been a lot of studies conducted by doctors in the field of sleep disorders, brain science and jet-leg treatments, in which melatonin has achieved great results, causing more confusions than answers to the lay person.

At the same time it is necessary to remember that melatonin is able to cause some side effects while used in uncontrolled doses which could result in the following symptoms:

– Dizziness

– Daytime drowsiness

– Abdominal cramps

– Headaches

– Shakiness

– Irritability

– Nausea and vomiting

From this list the most common side effects that are caused by melatonin overdose are altered sleep patterns and headaches. As well mood or mental changes and itching could occur as well as heavy headedness and fast heartbeat. Besides, melatonin could cause lowering of the human body temperature. You have to know that vivid dreams are associated with excessive melatonin use. If you suffer from diabetes, immune system disorders, liver diseases, kidney diseases, depression, stroke or severe migraines it s highly recommended for you to consult with your doctor to determine whether melatonin supplement is suitable for you. You have to remember that the use of melatonin supplements alone with any of these disorders could aggravate some of your symptoms. As well it is recommended not to take melatonin supplements if you are pregnant because there are mo studies that indicate the effects on unborn child.

In fact, today melatonin is considered to be the least toxic substance that is used by different people with great results. Improvement of sleep quality in elderly people by taking melatonin lead a lot of researches to believe that the replacement of melatonin in elderly people can improve their ability to sleep well without any great side effects. However, there is no answer to the question how much melatonin has to be taken on a daily basis. Different studies have absolutely different numbers concerning this question. Some studies suggests that it is enough to take 1.5 mg of melatonin at bedtime while others suggest that 1 mg at bedtime is enough.

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