Saving Money with Electronic Cigarettes

The average pack of cigarettes according to the CDC is about $5.51 and that is not including the sales tax. In some areas of New York, consumers are paying an outstanding $11 a pack. Any pack-a-day smoker will end up paying on average about $2,000 a year. Any one who pays more than average will end up paying a lot more and not many people can afford to do that in this economy. There are other alternatives to smoking and ones that has become very popular is the act of smoking through an electronic cigarette.

Ecigarettes, or also known as an electronic cigarette is a battery powered device that consists of various components such as an atomizer, a cartridge and the battery. The nicotine is found within the cartridge. Unlike traditional cigarettes that contain tobacco, e-cigarettes contain e-juice, which is the same as liquid nicotine. E-cigarette atomizers are what vaporize the juice to produce that white vapor that looks like smoke. The battery is what provides power to the atomizer. If you have a specific brand electronic cigarette than your cartridge and atomizer may be combined into a cartomizer. Cartomizers are usually sold in packages of five and are cheaper to replace than atomizers. Atomizers do not need frequent replacement, but will eventually burn out after constant use.

While there are several benefits associated with switching to e-cigarettes, one of the greatest is the savings. When using e-cigarettes, the biggest expense is the initial investment. You will need to purchase a starter kit that can range from $25 to $100. Each kit will contain the electronic cigarette, a charger and a number of cartridges or cartomizers. If you consider that a carton of cigarettes will cost you about the same, then this isn’t really that expensive. Another plus side is that you will not have to spend money on lighters again.

Once you’ve purchased the starter kit, you’ll really start saving. As previously stated, the average price of a pack of cigarettes is $5.51. The average cost of a cartridge is anywhere from $1 to $3. These cartridges are usually equivalent to around 15 or 20 cigarettes, but some are equivalent to a little more. There are even some companies that will refill your cartridges.

As you can see spending about $2 for each cartridge a day means you will only spend about $730 each year. The electronic cigarettes are not too hard to maintain as many of them have lifetime warranty. So while electronic cigarettes may require a small investment, consumers will quickly realize that e-cigarettes are drastically less expensive over the long run.

Looking for an alternative to tobacco cigarettes? Visit OnlyEcigarettes and browse the largest selection of ecigarettes on the web. Make sure to pick up an extra E-cigatette battery to make your electronic cigarette last longer.

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