Revision Rhinoplasty

Nose jobs, technically known as “rhinoplasty”, is one of the most popular surgeries available today, because of the amount of people who wish to change their noses due to cosmetic or functional purposes. Problems in the nose can be caused by genetics, or physical trauma, and these can be fixed by surgery. But because sometimes people just immediately get rhinoplasty without researching, they may end up needing a revision nose job after.

The technology and methods of today have advanced so much over the decades that rhinoplasty now has a very high success rate, which is why many other kinds of rhinoplasty have been invented, like rhinoplasty for men. This is by no means, however, an indication that the procedure is perfect, and in fact it is said that up to around 15% of all rhinoplasties done need to be fixed. The reasons for these fixes vary greatly.

Surgeons will often show their clients a preview of what the operation will result in, using a variety of photos or models. But because it is only after the actual rhinoplasty operation is done, followed by the recovery period, that the final result is truly seen, some clients may find that they did not get exactly what was promised to them. When this happens, the client get a revision rhinoplasty to fix this cosmetic problem.

And then, there are some instances that physical complications resulted from the original rhinoplasty, and that revision needs to be done to fix it. However, revision surgeries to fix these physical problems are far more difficult than most people might think, and in fact more damage could be done from them, resulting in physical, as well as emotional and psychological trauma. This combination of emotional, physical, and psychological damage can be very traumatic to a patient, which is why revision surgery has to be done properly.

The risks from cosmetic and practical revision surgeries are great, which is why it is very, very important to make sure that only the most reliable and most skilled plastic surgeon is chosen for it. Especially because not all plastic surgeons are actually capable of performing revision properly. So make sure to do as much research as possible first, before getting revision surgery.

Here’s more information on revision rhinoplasty surgery.

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