Oily Skin Care Cream for Oily Skin

Having pimples doesn’t necessarily mean you have oily skin, but if your skin is shiny and you have pimples, blackheads, and enlarged pores – you have oily skin. This is a problematic condition for most people, but a pimple isn’t the end of the world. However, you don’t have to be locked-up hiding from the world. By relying on certain oily skin treatments you can have a blemish-free life.

Oily Skin Causes

Oily skin is caused when the body’s oily glands become overactive and produce too much sebum. This gives way to skin that is prone to blackheads and enlarged pores. It is also what makes skin shiny. During certain stages in life you may experience hormonal shifts that are likely to cause oily skin. There are a series of factors that influence oily skin:

– Genetics – If your parents have oily skin you have a greater chans of getting it too

– Birth control pills – Birth control pills could lead to oily skin because it changes the hormone levels in your body

– Pregnancy – In this case it is also the hormonal changes in your body that makes the sebum glands produce more oil than they used to do

– Diet – This is a factor where there are no solid evidence that a certain diet would help oily skin, nevertheless there are people stating that reducing the amount of fried and fatty food or sugar and salt and instead eat more vegetable and fruits will help your oily skin complexion

– Hormone levels – Hormonal changes in general can provoke the sebum glands to start overproducing oil which makes your skin look oily

– Humidity and hot weather – These types of weather will make your skin look even oilier

– Makeup – Your oily skin can become even worse if you do not use the right makeup or facial cream

Oily skin is usually cleansed by using plenty of hot water and soap. You should also avoid products containing chemical ingredients that strip your skin of its natural oils. Most people don’t care to take the time to choose the right skin care treatment and end-up using a product that strips their body of its natural oils, causing a domino effect where the body begins to produce more sebum to replace the sebum that was stolen. This over-reaction is known as reactive seborrhea.

You can avoid this from happening by using oil-free natural skin care product that will leave your skin hydrated and replenished.

Bio Skin Care – Natural treatments for Oily Skin Care

Most people are more concerned with finding a good oil for skin than treating an oily skin condition. The good news is that there are a few people that have realized the importance of maintaining a healthy skin balance and have opted for more natural treatments. Anyone willing to take the ‘natural train’ to healthy skin is looking for a gentle and real solution. Here are 3 of the best natural treatments:

*Lavender: Lavender is recommended to treat oily skin naturally. You simply spritz your skin with lavender water several times a day.

*Mint Juice: Mint juice acts as a very good treatment for oily skin. Fresh juice of mint is applied on the face and the neck each night before sleeping.

*Helix Aspersa Muller: a revolutionary treatment for oily skin is based on a biological snail cream found in Nature. This amazing compound includes a balanced mixture of natural factors that help recover the normal physiology of the skin, making it ideal for all skin types. The Helix Aspersa Muller extract is an oil free ingredient and powerful immune modulator that works as a powerful regeneration trigger. It is ideal for keeping pores clear from debris by removing dead skin cells.

This problem can be avoided by using oil-free natural skin care products that won’t dehydrate your skin.

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